如果你想嘗試一下kombucha的味道,可以試試Wonder Drink的任何口味,特別是櫻桃黑醋栗。 它是巴氏消毒(不是生的),它不是有機的,但它確實結合了漿果和康普茶,以吸引更廣泛的人群。 另外,嘗試一個沒有額外味道的巴氏滅菌康普茶,然後回到這樣的原始康普茶。 一旦你確定了康普茶的口感,回到GT的Synergy,因為它是你會發現...
GT's Living Foods has been crafting raw kombucha since 1995. As experts and stewards of the ancient fermented tea, SYNERGY is always traditionally cultured - never made with cut corners or a simplified recipe. For almost 30 years SYNERGY has been crafted in small 5-gallon batches, fermented ...
Dave started selling kombucha as a teenager in the 1990s, personally delivering bottles he brewed in his parents’ Bel-Air home to Erewhon Market, and GT’s Living Foods remains the leading company in the market. Today, candy-colored bottles of GT’s drinks, including the popular Synergy bran...
If it’s SYNERGY, know that you will be adding about an ounce of juice or fresh fruit per 16 ounce bottle for more of a blend. If it’s SYNERGY Kombucha, the flavoring amounts will be less, often usingdried barks, berries, or flowersto achieve the flavor, with the Kombucha taste mor...
Synergy Trilogy特色覆盆子,柠檬和姜,所有这些对消化健康都很有帮助。 浆果对女性健康特别有帮助。 每种口味都有自己的故事和潜在的健康益处,他们每个人的口味都会有所不同。 一般来说,Synergy Kombucha的味道可以是非常酸和异乎寻常的,类似于覆盆子,成熟的芒果和其他热带水果。 它不是太甜,它有一个时髦,几乎麝香...