// https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.geotools/gt-metadata implementation group: 'org.geotools', name: 'gt-metadata', version: '22-RC' // https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.geotools/gt-metadata implementation 'org.geotools:gt-metadata:22-RC' ...
The main module contains the GeoTools public interfaces that are used by other GeoTools modules (and GeoTools applications). Where possible we make use industry standard terms as provided by OGC and ISO standards. The formal GeoTools public api consists of gt-metadata, jts and the gt-main mo...
问题一: rxjava冲突:在app build.gradle下添加 packagingOptions { exclude 'META-INF/rxjava.properties' } 问题二: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'android.content.res.XmlResourceParser android.content.pm.ProviderInfo.loadXmlMetaData(android.content.pm.PackageManager, java....
把maven 的MavenRunHelper插件放到idea 安装目录下的plugins E:\Program Files\JetBrains\IntelliJ IDEA\plugins 重启即可! 会给你分析,pom文件,里面的依赖,,是否冲突 MavenRunHelper插件 链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/16a99YwJdS8...问答精选How do you set binary metadata as part of XCode build? I need...
93. Download gt-metadata-2.7.1.jar 94. Download gt-opengis-2.7.1.jar 95. Download gt-postgis-2.6.1.jar 96. Download gt-postgis-2.6.5.jar 97. Download gt-process-2.6.2.jar 98. Download gt-process-2.6.5.jar 99. Download gt-property-2.6.1.jar 100. Download gt-property...
win10下载配置Maven到本地 maven官网:http://maven.apache.org/ 点击左侧【Download】进入maven下载地址http://maven.apache.org/download.cgi 下载最新版本3.6.0,解压到指定文件夹 点击【 installation instructions.】进入安装说明,根据提示配置安装maven 根据官网提示,需要配置系统环境变量 1、在【我的电脑】【高级...
93.Download gt-metadata-2.7.1.jar 94.Download gt-opengis-2.7.1.jar 95.Download gt-postgis-2.6.1.jar 96.Download gt-postgis-2.6.5.jar 97.Download gt-process-2.6.2.jar 98.Download gt-process-2.6.5.jar 99.Download gt-property-2.6.1.jar ...
(m) Maven (pom, pom.xml) Modula3 (i3, ig, m3, mg) MSBuild script (csproj, vbproj, vcproj, wdproj, wixproj) MUMPS (mps, m) Mustache (mustache) MXML (mxml) NAnt script (build) NASTRAN DMAP (dmap) Nemerle (n) Nim (nim, nim.cfg, nimble, nimrod, nims) Nix (nix) Objective C ...
首先让我们用Maven创建工程。使用命令行如下: C:java> mvn archetype:generate C:/GeoTools>mvn archetype:generate [INFO] Scanning for projects... [INFO] Searching repository for plugin with prefix: 'archetype'. [INFO] --- [INFO] Building Maven Default Project [INFO]task-segment: [archetype:genera...
maven { // 指定要上传的 maven 私服仓库 url = "" // 认证用户和密码 credentials { username ‘root‘ password ‘admin‘ } } } } 发布配置 generateMetadataFileForDubbo-order-apiPublication: generatePomFileForDubbo-order-apiPublication:生成 pom 文件 ...