[Leaked Firmware] I9300XXUGMK6 (Android 4.3) - Open Europe (OXA) [12-12-13] Faryaab Aug 16, 2012 641 642 643 Replies 13K Views 3M T Dec 26, 2013 turboyeyo OmniROM 4.4 for GT-I9300 XpLoDWilD Nov 12, 2013 422 423 424 Replies 8K Views 2M L May 16, 2016 luke76bg...
此种情况,系统或硬件故障都有可能造成。为了更针对性的了解并解决您手机出现的问题,建议您将手机送至就近的三星服务中心进行检测,服务中心会根据检测结果确定手机的具体问题以及配件。服务中心地址及联系方式请您访问:http://support-cn.samsung.com/support/ServiceLocations.asp 评价、建议、吐槽,请点击...
i think thats just software versions, as long as it says GT-I9300 you know that its a Galaxy S3, the other codes at the end prob represent firmware versions, even if you get a phone with old firmware version though, just update it Click thanks if helpedS...
可扩展固件接口(Extensible Firmware Interface,EFI)是 Intel 为 PC 固件的体系结构、接口和服务提出的建议标准。其主要目的是为了提供一组在 OS 加载之前( 279赞 酷比魔方u30gt吧 LEIXJ小童鞋 U30GT 2 主界面放的软件,左右滑动还有其它的空白界面,怎样删掉U30GT 2 开机后,主界面放的软件,左右滑动界面后,还有...
GT-E1202C, GT-E1202 - improved Write Firmware operation. GT-E1205M - improved Write Firmware operation. *Note: After performing the Unlock operation for GT-I9300I and GT-I9308I, IMEI will be set to service value. Please create Security and NVM backups before performing the Unlock or Rep...
Last night i take my phone and he dont boot, frezzed in Samsung GT-I9300 logo. I enter the CWMod and got some lines saying can't reach /cache/___. I tried to wipe and nothing. Then tried to install stock firmware and got an error on odin. Download Mode Info Code: ODIN MODE...
Or it could be that your carrier firmware uses a smaller system partition... Anyway, could you check the system partition size (diskinfo or any other app, also adb would be possible) and tell us? It's possible to expand the system partition size with parted for exampl...
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2 CSC nothing to do with WiFi . You want to know where the phone came from and what firmware region . If you wiped the phone then only the seller may know the source unless a clue is on the box . jje #slap...
Envoyé depuis mon GT-I9300 avec Tapatalk S skytcam Senior Member Aug 19, 2010 84 10 London May 17, 2013 #8 I installed this rom and really enjoying the extra features you have added many thanks from a happy member keep up the excellent work its much ap...