日本罗技日前正式公布了一款PS3专用“GT FORCE Pro”方向盘,这款方向盘将于5月17日上市,售价14800日元(约合人民币956元)。 GT FORCE Pro方向盘最大特色就是加入了传统200度与全新900度转向模式的切换功能而且采用了真实汽车硬质橡胶材料的方向盘手感非常厚实,粗糙且舒适的表面能使玩家的手指,绝对不可能因为在过高...
先说明我入手的是罗技的gtforcepro专用的座椅――スパルコ-レーシングコックピット プロファイターモデル(SPARCO-RACINGCOCKPIT PROFIGHTERMODEL(LPSK-02002))。 今天早上11:58分,当我正在纳闷宅急便为什么还没在我指定的时间内送到的时候,门铃终 于响了。打开门一看,差点跳起来,门外出现了一个小型集装箱...
最近马丁·梅斯刚刚与GT Factory Racing Team达成三年续约。下面来看这位极度渴望冠军的Pro战车。 马丁·梅斯第一次使用GT Force Pro是在EWS第六站惠斯勒站,这一站,他击败Sam Hill 赢得单站冠军。新款GT Force Pro拥有碳纤维车架和铝合金摇臂,27.5轮径,具有更为传统的造型。 ▲作为对比,2017 GT Sanction,GT标志性...
GT FORCE P..本人有一罗技的GTFP方向盘,当时一时冲动买的,后来没时间玩,长期闲置,想问下各位当二手卖能卖几钱?1000哪,准备把能卖的都卖了去买个X360
WePC "a future-proof & feature rich premium device" WePC "a future-proof & feature rich premium device" Zit Seng I have no doubt that when it comes to Wi-Fi performance, the ASUS GT-BE98 would not disappoint. Zit Seng I have no doubt that when it comes to Wi-Fi performanc...
The new GT Force Carbon PRO LE 2022 enters the race with high pivot suspension and 29” wheels. We tested GT's new enduro rig in our big ”Best Enduro Bike of 2022” group test and can tell you how it fared against the competition.
The 34-inch1ultra-wide 21:9 screen2truly fills your vision, as the 1500R super-curved design2brings you into a new world of immersive viewing. Ultra-curved 21:9 Screen Feel the Force of Full Immersion The 34-inch1ultra-wide 21:9 screen2truly fills your vision, as the 1500R super-cu...
小新Pro GT定位上探的基本逻辑 | 🈶三条:1️⃣年初我分析的国补计入价格体系;2️⃣上游成本和汇率影响,今年业界预估出货还是N-1为主,新平台很难走量;3️⃣GT下面用缩了外围但不伤筋动骨的小新Pro打价格,应对星Book Pro这类同样不做极致的竞品。 ✅️目前预估,性能和外围拉的比较满的主流品牌...
WePC "a future-proof & feature rich premium device" WePC "a future-proof & feature rich premium device" Zit Seng I have no doubt that when it comes to Wi-Fi performance, the ASUS GT-BE98 would not disappoint. Zit Seng I have no doubt that when it comes to Wi-Fi performanc...
Elevate your racing experience with the Wheel Stand Pro F458, compatible with various Thrustmaster models.