Services when supplied through Electronic Commerce Operator by way of transportation of passengers and accommodation in hotels liable to GST. Manner of calculating interest on delayed payment of GST. As per new GST Rule-88B(1), Manner of calculating interest on delayed payment of GST and Interest...
electronic, mechanical, photocopying, or otherwise without the prior permission of insead, adeCCo disclaimer: no represen on or warranty, either express or and hCli. implied, is provided in relation to the information con ned herein and with regards to its fitness, sufficiency or applicability for...
(CEB) ″ Compal Electronics India 生產手機產品及售後 Private Limited (CEIN) 服務 鵬寶科技及 Compal Electronica DA 生產筆記型電腦等電 CEB Amazonia Ltda (CEA) 子產品 Just Compal Display Holding 一般投資業 (HK) Limited (CDH (HK)) 〃 Compal Electronics ″ International Ltd. (CII) 〃 Compal...