But GT CRAFT is still a growing content pack. More features and elements will be added through updates. -How to Install- 1. First, install the version of Forge that you want to use, either 1.12.2 or After installing Forge, once you have started Minecraft in Forge, make ...
https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/minecraft-transport-simulator 4. Download the GT CRAFT corresponding to the version you wish to use from this site and place it in your Mods folder. 5. If you start Minecraft and the item is reflected, you have succeeded. -Map used- JDM Minecr...
如果你想带着这个整合包更上一层楼,那么这就是最适合你的整合包。 欢迎回家。 游戏的任务发展流程: 0级: 最基础的Minecraft:潘马斯农场,格雷科技的燧石工具 1级: 格雷科技-青铜时代:匠魂,凿子,暮色森林 2级: 格雷科技-低压时代:铁路工艺-RailCraft,林业-Forestry,更多实用工具-Extra Utilities,背包-Backpacks 3...
[<terrafirmacraft:item.Gold Ingot>*64]); [<terrafirmacraft:item.Gold Ingot>*64]); MTUtilsGT.addCustomRecipe("gt.recipe.generifier", false, 0, 1, 0, [10000], [<gregtech:gt.meta.storage.ingot:790>], [null], [null], [<minecraft:gold_block>]); 0 comments on commit ceba...
Pollution is added to Minecraft furnaces, all explosions, Galacticraft rockets, and to Railcraft coke ovens, fireboxes, tunnel bore, and Hobbyist steam engine. Other changes Various speedups and crash fixes are implemented, such as preventing "chunk bans" by increasing the packet size limits....
Tinkers' MechworksmDiyo TranslocatorsChickenBones Universal SingularitiesKingWealthyturtle,WanionCane Utility Mobsdocrobb Utility WorldsZarkov_1 WAILA Pluginstterrag1098 WAILAProfMobius WAILA Harvestabilitysqueek502 WanionLibWanionCane WarpTheoryShukaro
也可安装到舰船上作为舰炮,还能作为坦克主炮(虽然需要用到齐柏林和UGOCRAFT模组)。主体使用了回旋炮的回旋供弹结构,但相对较低的射速使得稳定性得以保证。兵器介绍帖——http://tieba.baidu.com/p/4054458445配套视频——http://www.bilibili.com/video/av2946057/ 兵器预览—— 13楼2016-04-30 21:40 回复 ...
0级:最基础的Minecraft,潘马斯农场,格雷科技的燧石工具 1级:格雷科技-青铜时代,匠魂,凿子,暮色森林 2级:格雷科技-低压时代,铁路工艺-RailCraft,林业-Forestry,更多实用工具-Extra Utilities,背包-Backpacks 3级:格雷科技-中压时代,神秘时代及其扩展,林业,高级太阳能,应用能源2 ...
一个有爱的minecraft工作室~ 目录: 无 看贴 图片 吧主推荐 本吧吧主火热招募中,点击参加 18 【关于新人】请新人到这个贴报道 丨...4 【GT有官方网站啦】 丨...6 要加入2015mc吧建筑活动么 丨... 群就放这里了 253449453 哦对了,进群就吧群名片改成GTcraft (自己的mc游戏名) 丨... 2-4 ...
Building the LEGO® Icons Dune Atreides Royal Ornithopter: Bringing a fantastic craft to life Attention Dune fans: a LEGO® set based on the iconic sci-fi vehicle is here! We chatted with the LEGO designer to find out how the iconic craft was created in LEGO bricks... ...