Code of Conduct Please note that the gt project is released with acontributor code of conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms. 📄 License gtis licensed under the MIT license. See theLICENSE.mdfile for more details. ...
Code of conduct License MIT license Security With thegtpackage, anyone can make wonderful-looking tables using theRprogramming language. Thegtphilosophy: we can construct a wide variety of useful tables with a cohesive set of table parts. These include thetable header, thestub, thecolumn labelsand...
回答和翻译如下:人的行为准则是,维护自己尊严,不妨碍他人自由。A man's code of conduct is to maintain his dignity, without prejudice to the liberty of others.
Create 261f606· Dec 2, 2023 HistoryHistory Breadcrumbs aigt / CODE_OF_CONDUCT.mdTop File metadata and controls Preview Code Blame 128 lines (93 loc) · 5.11 KB Raw Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct Our Pledge We as members, contributors, and leaders pledge to make... Add 3年前 Fix typo in 10个月前 Configure Add aix-clang and aix64-clang configuration 9个月前 Fixed some grammar and spelling 2年前 rand: remove unimplemented librandom stub code ...
Survey: To understand the performance of our Services and therefore make improvement, we may conduct surveys about our Services. During such survey, we may ask for your basic information (including age, role name and game zone) and your preference information (such as your preferences, interests...
Code of Conduct Whistleblowing system Certificates Cases Contact us News Articles White Papers Videos Webinars Events Group Nederman Group (EN) Nederman Nederman Mikropul Nederman Pneumafil Auburn FilterSense LCI Luwa Menardi NEO Monitors Nordfab RoboVent EN EN DE...
Asia FX Rates Futures Crypto RangeDropdown Markets Asia Dow4,185.02-31.79-0.75% Nikkei 22536,790.03-29.06-0.08% Hang Seng23,462.65-137.66-0.58% Shanghai3,358.73-13.20-0.39% Sensex73,828.91-200.85-0.27% Singapore3,837.524.450.12% Latest NewsAll Times Eastern ...
Code of Conduct Whistleblowing system Certificates Cases Contact us News Articles White Papers Videos Webinars Events Group Nederman Group (EN) Nederman Nederman Mikropul Nederman Pneumafil Auburn FilterSense LCI Luwa Menardi NEO Monitors Nordfab RoboVent EN EN DE...
Rules of Conduct: Your Responsibilities You are legally responsible and liable for all of your activities using the Services and this Site. You agree to follow posted forum guidelines and code of conduct within game, fan page, and any official YOUZU GROUP websites. ...