CS:GO Gsync not working? 4 Nov 2016 Jun 2023 Sunzz_legacy_legacy 8y I'm not sure why but im getting screen tearing in cs go with Gsync on, Vsync off and iv capped my frames below my monitors refresh rate of 144, i capped it at around 130, even the g sync indicator says its...
I have established a Gsync is running by the indicator, and I’ve tried capping the fps in control panel but neither seem to be working. Was hoping one of you had an explanation. I have a 4K 144hz Gsync compatible monitor and a 144 hz 2k Gsync monitor. Thanks for any help!
I tried an option in the Nvidia control panel to show Gsync Compatible Indicator, but it just shows an always on indicator for whenever a 3D program is running instead of turning it off and on when it goes in and out of range. One more input lag test you could do is comparing 120...
I am having an issue with obs right now, when I have obs opened, the g sync on my monitor stops working. I've tested it and it's only when obs is opened. My game runs smooth and then the second OBS is opened the game runs at 60 Hz and my g sync indicator doesn't show it'...
Not POST-ing or no display? Try press Caps lock or Num lock and check the light indicator. | Intel i7-3770@4.2Ghz | Asus Z77-V | Zotac 980 Ti Amp! Omega | DDR3 1800mhz 4GB x4 | 300GB Intel DC S3500 SSD | 512GB Plextor M5 Pro | 2x 1TB WD Blue HDD | | Enermax NAXN82...