Leverage castLabs' video SDK for GStreamer. Streamline video delivery with robust tools and support for premium streaming. Get a free trial.
For example: $ gst-launch-1.0 nvarguscamerasrc ! \ 'video/x-raw(memory:NVMM), width=(int)1920, height=(int)1080, \ format=(string)NV12, framerate=(fraction)30/1' ! nvv4l2h264enc \ maxperf-enable=1 bitrate=8000000 ! h264parse ! qtmux ! filesink \ location=<filename_h264.mp4>...
"video/x-h264, stream-format=byte-stream" ! filesink location=test.264 说明:主要是用gst-lanuch工具连接相关插件将rtsp video stream 保存为.264文件,然后可以利用相关播放器(如:kmpplayer)进行播放,亦可以供live555MediaServer生成rtsp stream;("video/x-h264, stream-format=byte-stream"这个caps一定要连接...
// 从 Element 的一端输入数据, Element 对数据进行一些处理,然后数据从 Element 的另一端输出 GstElement *pipeline, *audio_source, *tee, *audio_queue, *audio_convert, *audio_resample, *audio_sink; GstElement *video_queue, *visual, *video_convert, *video_sink; // Bus(总线) 主要用于向用户...
Example 8: Stream both audio and video from device sources in macOS See how torun the gst-launch-1.0 command to start streaming both audio and video in MacOS. Example 9: Upload MKV file that contains both audio and video See how torun the gst-launch-1.0 command to upload MKV file that ...
本教程将打开一个窗口并显示一个带有音频的电影。媒体是从 Internet 获取的,因此窗口可能需要几秒钟才会出现,具体取决于您的连接速度。此外,没有延迟管理(缓冲),因此在连接速度较慢时,电影可能会在几秒钟后停止。查看基础教程 12:Streaming如何解决此问题。
Its support for adaptive streaming and multiple video formats makes it an ideal solution for building passenger entertainment systems, gaming consoles, and STBs. GStreamer shortcomings However, despite GStreamer’s versatile qualities, there are a few setbacks around the multimedia library. For example...
Video Streaming with GStreamer-1.0¶ This section describes procedures for video streaming with GStreamer 1.0. To perform video streaming with nvgstplayer-1.0¶ Using nvgstplayer-1.0: Enter the command: $ nvgstplayer-1.0 -i rtsp:// ...
video/ogg: application/kate: src_%08x ANY 3.Gstreamer通信机制 bus Bus是gstreamer内部用于将消息从内部不同的streaming线程,传递到bus线程,再由bus所在线程将消息发送到应用程序。应用程序只需要向bus注册消息处理函数,即可接收到pipline中各element所发出的消息,使用bus后,应用程序就不用关心消息是从哪一个线程发...
gst-launch-1.0 zedsrc stream-type=0od-enabled=trueod-detection-model=0camera-resolution=3camera-fps=30! queue !\zedodoverlay ! queue ! autovideoconvert ! fpsdisplaysink Display Skeleton Tracking results# The same pipeline of the previous example can be used to display Skeleton TRacking results...