We have mentioned all the GST return filing due dates along with their respective associated GST forms such as GSTR 1, GSTR 3B, GSTR 4, GSTR 5, GSTR 6, GSTR 7, GSTR 8, GSTR 9, GSTR 9C in FY 2024-25. Find GST Forms’ Current Due Dates Below: GSTR 1 Due Date (Turnover...
i am preparing gstr-9 of 20222023 i want to know what is difference between column 8c and 13 and which year data should be fill example invoice date 30.3.2023 but goods received on 2.4.2023 input in 2A IN 20222023 BUT IN BOOKS 2023-2024. 2.GOODS RECEIVED IN MARCH2023 BUT INPUT IN ...
Pls let me know the due date of GSTR-3B for February and March ThanksKaran CA ANILKUMAR B.COM FCA DISA (Expert) Follow 11 April 2020 Aggregate annual turn over upto 1.5 cr- 30.06.2020 and 03.07.2020 respectively for Feb and march.1.5 cr to 5 cr- 29.06.2020.More than 5 cr- 24.0...
MINISTRY OF FINANCE Department of Revenue CENTRAL BOARD OF INDIRECT TAXES AND CUSTOMS NOTIFICATION New Delhi the 13th July 2020 No 59 2020 Central Tax G S R 443
GSTR 1 is a form to submit business details of outward supplies before the GSTR 1 due date i.e. 10th of every month. Find out the format and a step by step guide for how to file GSTR 1.
When should GSTR 3B Be Filled? | GSTR-3B Due Date A taxpayer registered under GST is required to file the GSTR-3B monthly return form by the 20thday of the succeeding month. For instance, GSTR 3B for the month of September 2020 needs to be filed by 20thOctober 2020. ...
An Input Service Distributor files GSTR 6, a monthly return form. Moreover, Input Service Distributors must fill out any information connected to ITC they have received and disbursed. GSTR 6 is a due date form with 11 components. The Input Service Distributor includes the following: ...
. As per this decision, businesses will need to file a much simplified GSTR 3B returns, by declaring the summary of their inward and outward supplies for the months of July and August. However the invoice – wise details for both months, also do need to be filed, but at a later date...
8. Nil-rated, exempt and non-GST outward supplies: All the other supplies whether nil rated, exempt or non-GST which have not been reported under any of the above needs to be reported under this head. This needs to be further bifurcated into Inter-State, Intra-State to registered and un...
Similarly, if the return for a month is filed after the due date then in 2A it will be shown in the same month however in 2B it will be in the next month. Let us understand how these two are different: GSTR 2A GSTR 2B Is more dynamic in nature as details uploaded by vendors ...