GSTR-2B shows ITC availability and unavailability details. The details which are part of the former are automatically shown in theGSTR-3Bstatement. In certain cases, ITC may be unavailable to the taxpayer and so he cannot claim the same. This can be when there are issues with theIGSTdue ...
Get to know details on GSTR 3B form along with the online return filing procedure. Also, we mentioned due dates, penalty and general queries.
View the current due dates of GST return filing forms such as GSTR 1, GSTR 3B, GSTR 4, GSTR 5, GSTR 6, GSTR 9, GSTR 9C, etc. on a monthly and yearly basis.
在GSTR -1 和 GSTR-2 返回的此功能格式下,已根据 GSP ClearTax 之一更新的新格式进行了更新。 根据新格式,以下 CSV 文件已弃用: GSTR-1 GSTR1 调整发票的多个预付回执 GSTR1 提前回执格式 GSTR 1 退款券 GSTR-2: GSTR2 调整发票的多个预付付款。
GSTR 3B filing has been extended till March 2018, and it will continue to be filed by the 20th of the next month.
Learn about how to generate GSTR offline return format ANX-1 and the Purchase Register according to the new prototype that was released by the government.
短串联重复序列(STR)是染色体DNA中由2~6个碱基串联重复的结构。STR序列中A一T碱基对所占比例均大于C—G 碱基对所占比例。将某21三体综合征患儿及其父母的21号染色体上某--位点的基因的STR进行扩增,结果如图所示。下列有关叙述正确的是( ) 注:M为标准 DNA片段,nl、n2、n3、n4为STR的不同重复次数。 A. 与...
Learn how to generate GSTR-1 and GSTR-2 reports in Microsoft Dynamics 365 according to the new format that was released by Goods and Services Tax (GST).
GSTR-1 Return: Following additional columns have been added: - Sales Invoice and Bill of Supply: Sales credit Debit note: GSTR-2 Return: Following additional columns have been added: - • Purchase Invoice and Bill of supply: • Purchase Credit and Debit ...
Two different GSTR 2B return periods – Mandatory to first act on the original record and file GSTR 3B before acting on the amended record. IMS will not allow to directly save action on the amended record. FAQ 4. What documents will not be made available in IMS but will be part of G...