2.GSTR-2:GSTR-2 是纳税人用于报告购买交易的表格。纳税人需要在每个纳税期限内提交 GSTR-2。这个表格包含了纳税人的购买详细信息,包括购买额、购买税额和从其他纳税人处购买的货物和服务的详细信息。 3.GSTR-3:GSTR-3 是纳税人用于汇总销售和购买交易的表格。纳税人需要在每个纳税期限内提交 GSTR-3。这个...
Both GSTR 2A and 2B are essential for GST reconciliation. They help businesses ensure accurate tax filing and claim valid ITC without discrepancies. 2. Is Gstr 2A removed? No, GSTR 2A is not removed; it continues to be available on the GST portal. However, the creation of GSTR 2B as...
Unlike GSTR 2A, GSTR 2B offers monthly eligibility and ineligibility for theinput tax credit(ITC). However, it stays the same or remains unchanged throughout the period. This means that whenever a GSTR 2B for a given month is accessed on the officialGST website, the data contained in it...
GSTR2 was to be filed by taxpayers by taking actions on invoices auto-populate based on suppliers GSTR1 filing in form GSTR 2A and also adding any new invoices by taxpayers which are missed by suppliers. However, GSTR2 was discontinued. Also, GSTR3 was replaced by GSTR 3B for self-...
在GSTR -1 和 GSTR-2 返回的此功能格式下,已根据 GSP ClearTax 之一更新的新格式进行了更新。 根据新格式,以下 CSV 文件已弃用: GSTR-1 GSTR1 调整发票的多个预付回执 GSTR1 提前回执格式 GSTR 1 退款券 GSTR-2: GSTR2 调整发票的多个预付付款。
在GSTR -1 和 GSTR-2 Return 這個功能格式下,已根據由其中一個 GSP ClearTax 更新的新格式更新。 根據新的格式:下列 CSV 檔案已折舊: GSTR-1 GSTR1 調整發票的多個預先收據 GSTR1 預先收據格式 GSTR 1 退款憑證 GSTR-2: GSTR2 調整發票的多個預先付款。 GSTR2 預...
The recently introduced amendment w.e.f 01.01.22 allows credit to the Taxpayer only to the extent it appears in GSTR-2A or GSTR-2B. Although on the face of it, this appears to be a justified provision to further discipline tax payers, this may result in many practical problems. ...
Import and set up ER configurations Important columns that were added in the new GSTR-1 显示另外 3 个 The format of the GSTR-1 and GSTR-2 returns has been updated in response to the new format that was updated by the ClearTax Goods and Services Tax (GST) Suvidha ...
Learn about how to generate GSTR offline return format ANX-1 and the Purchase Register according to the new prototype that was released by the government.
GSTR-2A reconciliation is a crucial process for businesses registered under the GST system in India. Let’s look at what is GSTR-2A reconciliation.