The 13th digit is assigned on the number of registration within the state The 14th digit is Z by default The 15th digit is a check code. It can be an alphabet or a number. Documents Required To register under GST, you are required to present the following documents Valid PAN Card Aadhar...
GSTIN has replaced all state VAT laws and unique TIN numbers to become the unique identification number for the business. It acts as the legal recognition of the business entity and helps build trust among customers and business partners. Anyone with a GSTIN number can easily log in to the ...
Step-7: An OTP will be then sent to the registered email and mobile number or PAN-linked contact details. Enter the same and click the proceed tab. Step-8: Next, you will be directed to the dashboard of my saved application, which shows the status as Draft. Step-9: Under my saved...
credit_card COMPETITIVE PRICING This tool is available at very affordable rates. No hidden charges, No T&C. How to search multiple GST numbers using PAN? With KnowYourGST tool you can search multiple GST numbers using PAN (Permanant Account Number) of person, firm or company. You need to ...
PAN Number The next ten digits (AAAAA0000A) will be thePermanent Account Number(PAN) of a taxpayer. A10-digit unique identity alphanumeric number called a“Pan Card”is given to Indians, typically to those who pay taxes. Taxpayer’s Registration Number ...
GST Amendment - Changes to Mobile Number or Email ID GST Amendment - Changes to PAN Time Limit for GST Amendment Login into Portal Application to Amendment of Registration Core Fields Business Details Tab Principal Place of Business tab Additional Places of the Business tab Promoter / Partners tab...
#6.Click on the Download button to download the certificate. #7.The GST registration certificate will be downloaded in PDF format. Documents Required for GST Registration 1.PAN Card of the Business or Applicant:-GSTIN is linked to the PAN of the business. Hence, PAN is required to obtain ...
Confirmation e-mail sent after booking. At the time of the visit of GSK, the applicant is required to carry the Aadhaar Card and PAN Card (Original Copies) and a copy (hard/soft) of the appointment confirmation e-mail. Appointment must be within the permissible period. ARN generated post ...
The PAN is verified on theGoods and Service Tax Portalalong with the Mobile number and E-mail address to be verified with a one-time password (OTP). When the verification is complete, the applicant will receive an application reference number (ARN) on the registered mobile number and via E...
Businesses can now use Aadhaar card number to register with Goods & Services Tax network at The tenure of National Anti-Profiteering Authority (NAA) has been extended by 2 more years till 30 November 2021. This will ensure companies to pass on benefits of lower Goods & Services ...