All goods other than in frozen state and put up in unit containers is exempted to pay GST. GST concession on Meat of bovine animals, fresh and chilled. No GST payable on Meat of swine, fresh or chilled. GST on Meat of sheep or goats, fresh or chilled is nil rate. No GST payable o...
As per the HSN code (4202), i can see in gst portal, gst rate on mobile cases is 18%, hsn: 4202. Ref: Can you please re-check. Thanks! Reply Farhat Shaikh March 10, 2021 at 8:48 am what is the HSN code for Mobile ...
GST Rate Finder,GST Rate on Labour Charges,HSN Codes,SAC Codes,GST State Codes GST GST Software,GST Calculator,GST on Freight,GST on Ecommerce,GST Impact on TCS,GST Impact on TDS,GST Exempted Goods & Services,Reverse Charge Mechanism in GST,GST Declaration,GST Compliance,GST Record Keeping ...
The following is a list of a few of the GST service accounting codes. You can find the current GST Rate for service in Chapter 99 of the SAC Codes & GST Rates for Services. How Deskera Can Guide You? Discover how you can combine accounting, finances, inventory, and much more, under ...
Click here to know GST rate on Goods and Services GST Exemption list of goods and services Find HSN number or Service tariff code for GST Service Tariff Code for GST Registration procedures and formalities to obtain GSTIN How many digits in GSTIN under Goods and Service Tax registration ...
FAQs on GST Number Format 1. Is the GSTN and GSTIN the same? GSTN and GSTIN are not the same. GSTN is the Goods and Services Tax Network, which is an organisation that manages the IT system of the GST portal. GSTIN means Goods and Services Tax Identification Number. It is a uniq...
4. The applicant submitted that with the advent of GST with effect from01.07.2017, the services provided by the applicant are classifiable under heading No. 9954 (Construction service) as per the Scheme of classification of service annexed to the Notificat...
Applicable GST Rate on Educational Services The SAC code and GST rate for educational services are as follows: Chapter/Section/Heading Description of ServiceGST Rates 9992 Education Services 18% 9992 (a) to students, faculty and staff of an educational institution (b) to an educational institutio...
The value of a supply is the value on which GST is chargeable. Therefore, it is important to determine the correct value of supply so that the appropriate GST amount can be ascertained. The amount of GST is the value multiplied by the tax rate. The value of a...
The goods and services tax (GST) is computed by simply multiplying the price of a good or service by the GST tax rate. For instance, if the GST is 5%, a $1.00 candy bar would cost $1.05. What Are the Benefits of the GST? The GST can be beneficial as it simplifies taxation, reduc...