Laxmi Electronics sold printer, costing Rs. 8260 (with GST), to a customer for Rs. 10,030 (with GST). The rate of GST is 18%. Find the taxable value of the printer in each case and the amount of CGST and SGST to be paid by Laxmi Electronics. ...
Systems Consumer Electronics Factory Automation and Process Control Device Information(1) PART NUMBER ADS101x PACKAGE BODY SIZE (NOM) X2QFN (10) 1.50 mm × 2.00 mm VSSOP (10) 3.00 mm × 3.00 mm (1) For all available packages, see the package option addendum at the end of the data ...
Select the checkbox provided Is the supply eligible to be taxed at a differential percentage (%) of the existing rate of tax, as notified by the Government in case supply is eligible to be taxed at a differential percentage of the existingrate of tax. ...
Aluminum alloy(AAAC) contains a small percentage(about 0.6%) of silicon and magenesium elements. It provides several benefits for overhead lines. 1. Strength- About twice that of aluminum 1350(EC) 2. Weight- 20%(approx.) lighter than ACSR conductor of equal diameter. 3. ...