The reason for this is because when you order through a platform like Uber Eats or DoorDash two separate transactions occur. First, the meal is provided by the restaurant to the customer, and second, the delivery service is provided by the platform provider to the customer. Essentially, the ...
RMC: 麦当劳取代Uber eats以2000万欧一年拿下法甲冠名权以后就叫:法甲麦当劳 法甲在前麦当劳在后 #体育营销#
- Kota Kinabalu blomstrende natteliv og bylys - Bargain-jagt og street eats på det livlige natmarked - Signal Hill-vidunderligt bybillede og havudsigt - Spirited forestilling af traditionel Sabah dans - Lækre og frisklavet fisk og skaldyrs middag... Mere 3 timer Gratis af...