ITC is not allowed on membership fees for clubs, gyms, or fitness centers. For instance, if a company pays for an employee’s gym membership, it cannot claim ITC on this expense. This restriction ensures that personal and leisure expenses are not offset against business tax liabilities. 5) ...
Is it mandatory to provide hsn ans sac wise details of sales and purchase in gstr 9 for the fy 19 20 - GST
Different HSN code and GST Rate on Sale and Purcha Employer in State A and Employees in State B - Whe Income Tax Portal issue Paypal Charges COMPANY ITR AND BALANCE SHEET TDS 194R questions GST Registration - Professional Regarding SPL 02 Filing GST ITC claim time limit Gym membership reimb...
Gym membership reimbu.rsement Place of supply incorrect Cancellation of GST Registration and Officer askin ADVANCE TO CREDITORS Probably the most concerning question after every Property holders 2 but tds paid by 1 person Tax and indexation querry 10 years old Private Limited Company for sale Tran...
One of client is having turnover is 5 cr He has almost more than 3000 purchase invoices 5000 sales invoice Now he has not maintained accounts based on hsn summary wise or inventory wise Now its not possible to shown HSN summary of inward supplies or outw