DISCLAIMER:This is strictly my personal opinion. The above discussion cannot be considered as our professional or legal advice. Users shall consider legal provisions or take advice from experts before taking action on it. Published by CA Amit Harkhani ...
All employees earning below this wage limit must be registered under the ESI scheme, which provides benefits like medical care and social security for both the employee and their family. Any factory or establishment employing 10 or more employees is liable to register under ESIC and ensure that ...
Authorities also said that “To penalise the habitual late filers, Interest on cash liability of tax should be levied on significant cases according to the provisions of the GST Act”. Taxpayers who have opted to file quarterly returns, but should be reminded to pay monthly tax if they are ...
Eligibility for GST registration – whether Applicant an employee or independent contractor – employment characterisation –“labour hire” arrangement – significant degree of control practical not contractual – significant piece of equipment provided by Applicant – relevance of self-characterisation by par...