This shall be reported net of credit notes, debit notes and amendments if any E. Taxable turnover as per adjustments above (A-B-C-D): The taxable turnover is derived as the difference between the annual turnover after adjustments declared in Table 7A above and the sum of all supplies (...
GST REG 16 is arranged to use for Order for Cancellation of Registration The pdf format of GST REG 16 for Order for Cancellation of Registration is given below to click and download: Download GST REG 16 in pdf format:REG-16.pdf Government of India /<<State>> Department --- Form GST RE...
including cash and coins that are officially legal tender, i.e., used for buying things, except for collectable items like special coins or notes that people collect but do not use as ameans of payment.Skatteverket(Kokott, Advocate General (2015) Opinion delivered on 16July 2015, CaseC-264/...
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