Now claim GST refund on Airline fare, Hotel and credit card bills. GSTInput is India’s biggest platform for getting GST credit on travel expenses of an organization.
As a general rule of thumb, GST-registered employers can claim input tax incurred on fringe benefits given to employees, provided that these fringe benefits are incurredfor the purpose of their business. However, since all fringe benefits contain elements of personal consumption, the IRAS will only...
Hanna:On 07 August 2017 Hi, I would like to know if I am able to claim the GST that is being charged on my accommodation in India? I can book the accommodation under both corporate or individual. Appreciate your response. deepti:On 02 July 2022 ...
located at specified premises, within the list of services, the tax on which is payable by the electronic commerce operator. Here, specified premises would mean premises providing hotel accommodation service having declared tariff of any unit of accommodation above Rs. 7,500 per unit per day ...
(except those containing content harmful to minors and/or more than 50% advertising), admission to cultural events, writers and composers, some agricultural inputs, short-term hotel accommodation, certain admission to sports events, social services, medical and dental care, firewood, some timber ...
These amendments aim to refine the classification and declaration processes for premises providing hotel accommodation services. Services of insurance provided by the Motor Vehicle Accident Fund, constituted under Section 164B of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988, are exempted. The phrase "transmission and ...
It is seen that the applicant has made various submissions supporting their contention that Input Tax Credit is admissible in respect of GST paid for the hotel stay in case of rent-free hotel accommodation provided to GM/MD of the company. “However in view of the above discussions we find ...
What is the rate of gst on corn flakes 19 June 2017Allwynn Vince Pereira what is the rate of gst on online lottery ? and whether reverse charge mechanism is attracted on sale through online lottery by an agent ( who is not a distributor) ...
whether taxpayer entitled to input tax credits in respect of acquisitions made in the course of providing remote housing accommodation to its workforce in the Pilbara mining region of Western Australia First instance – [2015] FCA 94 –Case analysis of first instance Rod Mathieson Truck Hire Pty ...
Pure agent gst Input credit in of hotel bill & air travel bill Pure agent services Gst input credit on travel fare and boarding expenses Hotel industry commission agent gst effect Unanswered Queries Popular Recent USE THE BANK ACCOUNT OF WIFE If ITC not claimed is there any issue ...