Rcm on rent(15) Charge sheet under section 132.(15) Gst on supervision charges(15) Itc reversal on fixed assets written off in the books(15) Amnesty scheme, 2024(14) Go to Forum Forum - Recent Replied Issues Applicability of payment of bonus act, 1965... (1) ...
●Create the capital goods ledger underFixed Assets. ●Select the required nature of transaction. ●Select theNature of goodsasCapital Goods. 6.What is the use of selecting Unknown as dealer registration type? If you are not sure about the registration type of your party while creating or upda...
Fixed assets value is not updated with the Load on inventory amount when import order invoice with service item. GTE set off hierarchy version does not get the latest version. Journal voucher description truncation issue for GST transaction. Stock transfer order shipment voucher is not showing in ...
Disposal of business assets On a transfer or disposal of goods which form part of business assets by or under the direction of the person carrying on the business, whether or not for a consideration, the time of supply is at the time when the goods are transferred...
This is populated based on the HSN/SAC code defined in product masters (Item, Fixed assets, G/L Account etc.). This is a user editable field. This field cannot be edited, and it displays the Base Amount on which GST percentage is applied. Displays the cumulative GST amount of all ...
Gst implication on free embroidery services... (3) Supplier insolvent through nclt and not paid gst... (1) Using input credit(2) Itc admissibility in case of merger / demerger... (2) Custom duty refund(3) Trans 1 credit not credited in electronic cash ledger... (1) ...
Purchase of capital goods are recorded as fixed assets and is taxable. Input tax credit can be availed. You can record taxable purchases of fixed assets (capital goods). Know more ... Record Expenses having GST in Tally.ERP9 Record Expenses having GST in Purchase Voucher (F9) of Accounting...
position: fixed; pointer-events: none; transition: opacity 0.3s ease-out; top: -999em; visibility: hidden; z-index: 999; } .__react_component_tooltip.allow_hover, .__react_component_tooltip.allow_click { pointer-events: auto; } .__react_component_tooltip::before, .__re...
GST Taxes, Packing & Forwarding/ freight charges may not consider for further processing.2. Kindly mention GSTIN in your offer.3. Maximum period required to commence supplies which may normally be not exceeding 30 days from the date of placement of Purchase Order.4. This is fixed price ...
GST on bank charge GST TDS/TCS GST adjustments/periodic activities GST Cess GST on service management GST input service distribution TDS TDS for customer TCS Voucher interface Fixed asset Gate entry Subcontracting Stale cheque Italy Mexico Netherlands ...