Export Promotion Capital Goods Scheme (EPCG Scheme) EPCG scheme facilitates the imports of capital goods to produce goods and services by manufacturers. Under this scheme, exporters can partner with a manufacturer and import the required capital goods to produce export goods at 0% duty. This schem...
Goods & Service Tax. 5 The Sale. 5 The Lease. 5 Place of supply. 6 Disposal of Capital Asset 6 Example of GST Calculations on Sale and Leasebacks. 6 Sale of Asset 7 Leasing of asset 7 Accounting of Sale and leasebacks. 7 Criteria for Sale. 8 Transfer of asset does not qualify ...
Implication of GST on penal charges Accordingly, there are different GST implications, which are discussed by way of examples. Financing to a borrower may be done in the following ways: Situation 1: ABC Co (lender/shopkeeper) sells a car to Mr A (borrower) where the selling price of the...
Gst implication on free embroidery services... (3) Supplier insolvent through nclt and not paid gst... (1) Using input credit(2) Itc admissibility in case of merger / demerger... (2) Custom duty refund(3) Trans 1 credit not credited in electronic cash ledger... (1) ...
Gst exclude shares and loan so no implication on hst i think..still gove me time...i will let yoy know by tommaroe Upgrade to CAclubindia Pro. Subscribe Now!ommahadev 7 (136 Points) Replied 27 December 2019 How to get GSTR2A report from jul, 2017 to mar'2019 in one sheet Siva...