GSTIN,即Goods and Services Tax Identification Number,是印度GST制度下每个注册个体或企业的唯一15位标识码,也就是税务登记号。它用于标识纳税人的身份,并关联纳税人的基本信息和税务记录,确保税务系统的高效运作和透明度。以下是对GSTIN的详细解析: 一、GSTIN的基本含义 GSTIN作为税务登记号,是...
GSTIN,全称Goods and Services Tax Identification Number,意为商品和服务税识别号。这是印度在实施商品和服务税(GST)制度下,为每个注册个体或企业分配的唯一15位标识码,也就是税务登记号。 GSTIN的组成与含义 GSTIN的前两位数字代表印度人口普查的州代码,每个州都有唯一的代码。 接下来的十位数将是纳税人PAN(永久...
gstin是Goods and Services Tax Identification Number的缩写,意为商品和服务税识别号。这是印度尼西亚、印度等实施商品和服务税(GST)的国家为企业或个人用于税务目的而分配的唯一识别号码。以下是关于GSTIN的详细信息: 1. GSTIN由15位数字组成,每个数字都有特定的含义: - 前两到三位是国家代码,对于印度来说通常...
印度的税号称为GSTIN(Goods and Services Tax Identification Number),由15位数字组成,其中前2位代表州代码,后面的10位是PAN(Permanent Account Number)的一部分,表示税务登记号码,最后3位为数字编码,用于区分同一PAN下的不同纳税人。例如,一个GSTIN号码的格式可能是:27ABCDE1234F1Z5。其中,27代表印度国家代码,...
GSTIN 是印度商品和服务税识别号(Goods and Services Tax Identification Number)。 在印度,GSTIN 是分配给在商品和服务税(GST)下注册的每个个人或企业的唯一 15 位标识号。 在实施 Goods and Services Tax(GST)之前,各州税务机关为所有根据州增值税法注册的经销商分配了唯一的 TIN 号,中央海关(CBEC)为服务提供...
GSTIN全称为Goods and Services Tax Identification Number,在印度的GST制度下,它是每个注册个体或企业的唯一15位标识码。GST注册是印度企业与个人的必需流程,注册经销商在提交GST退货前需验证GST编号。个人在GST注册后,当超过GST注册门槛时,将获得一个GSTIN。与以往不同,GST下存在单一注册号,而过去...
GSTIN (Goods & Services Tax Identification Number)is a15-digit unique identifierassigned to every GST-registered taxpayer, including businesses, firms, dealers, and suppliers, under theGST regime in India. It is mandatory for businesses engaged in taxable supplies and is issued upon successful GST ...
What is GSTIN? GSTIN full form is Good and Service Tax Identification Number, which is a 15 digit, unique registration number given to every taxpayer registered under GST. There are 2 ways to know your GSTIN (to get GST registration) Through GST Portal Via GST Seva Kendra authorized by ...
Understanding GSTIN: Format, Application, and Fees GSTIN Format: Decoding the 15-Digit Identifier The GST Identification Number (GSTIN) serves as a unique identifier for businesses registered under GST in India. Let's break down its format to demystify its components: ...
We are familiar with the fact that on applying for registration under GST, you receive a GSTIN which is your GST Identification Number. This post is a guide to search this GSTIN through your PAN. So, let’s jump right in. The Process on GST Portal...