A goods and services tax (GST) number is a unique tax identification number assigned to a business by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). It's also known as a business number (BN), because, in addition to being used to collect, report and remit GST and harmonized sales tax (HST), it i...
Companies importing and selling products in Canada must generally pay import duties, GST, and GST/HST. In this guide, Munish Gupta from the Supply Chain Advisory Group explains what kind of taxes must be paid when importing goods to Canada – both for Canadian companies and foreign importers. ...
Welcome to HSTRebate.com! We are the Experts in HST Rebate in Canada. As Canada's Premier GST/HST Firm, our focus are on individuals and business.
If you have filed your GST/HST returns but have not paid the taxes owing our top Ontario tax lawyers can assist you in making payment arrangements with the CRA.
As a business owner, you may have the responsibility to collect and remit these taxes to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). Here is a step-by-step guide on how to file your GST/HST return in Canada.1. Registration: Begin by checking if your business needs to register for the GST HST ...
Canada GST, PST and QST rates Province Type Rate Provincial sales tax Federal GST Alberta GST 5% 0% 5% British Columbia GST + PST 12% 7% 5% Manitoba GST + PST 12% 7% 5% New Brunswick HST 15% 10% 5% Newfoundland HST 15% 10% 5% Northwest Territories GST 5% 0% 5% Nova Scotia HST ...