I'm ready to register my GST/HST Number I have the necessary information and I'm ready to register. Click the link below and register for GST/HST number. You will be transferred to our secure server to the Application form File Application to Register for GST/HST Number in Ontario ...
其他省可能也有类似项目比如安省的Ontariosalestaxcredit(OSTC)。 万一你收到了如下税务局信,说由于你没报税不知道该怎么计算你的GST/HSTC不要紧张,很有可能是你把成为公民时间填错了,已经有至少两个家庭在我的帮助下,和税务局通电话得到了应得的退税了。 比如这个案例较为复杂,该家庭2018年短登,2019年长登,但是...
非加拿大本地的电商平台商家,需要提供加拿大常用地址。 重点就是简易的GST/HST不允许申请进项税抵免。 2.标准注册类型:适用于FBA卖家,销售发货地和收货地在加拿大境内商品的非加拿大企业/卖家。 标准注册GST/HST,可以申请进项抵扣ITC。可以通过申请进项税抵免(ITC) 收回已支付的 GST /HST 联邦部分税金。 三 注册税...
重点就是简易的GST / HST不允许申请进项税抵免。 2.标准注册类型:适用于FBA卖家,商品的销售发货地和收货地在加拿大境内的非加拿大企业/卖家。 标准注册 GST / HST,可以申请进项抵扣ITC,可以通过申请进项税抵免(ITC) 收回已支付的 GST / HST 联邦部分税金。 三、注册税号的保证金问题 如果卖家在加拿大没有常用...
Sales tax calculator Ontario(HST) Reverse Sales tax calculator Ontario(HST) Sales tax calculator British-Columbia BC (GST/PST) Reverse Sales tax calculator British-Columbia BC (GST/PST) Sales tax calculator Saskatchewan (GST/PST) Sales tax calculator Manitoba (GST/PST or RST) Sales tax calculator...
If you have filed your GST/HST returns but have not paid the taxes owing our top Ontario tax lawyers can assist you in making payment arrangements with the CRA.
HST Tax in Ontario GST Tax in British Columbia GST/HST Taxable Supplies GST/HST Zero Rated Supplies GST Tax Exempt Supplies Accounting for GST/HST GST/HST Quick Method Filing GST/HST Reports GST and HST Tables GST and HST Rates GST/HST Registration Order Your GST/HST NumberGST...
3.统一销售税HST(Harmonized Sales Tax) 简单来说HST就是合并GST和PST,因此叫做统一销售税。但是,不同于PST的是,这个税金是由联邦税局统一征收,我们给大家汇总一下,涉及到HST的各省。 接下来,我们看看跨境卖家的注册义务。 一、哪些跨境卖家有注册和申报的义务?
The Canada GST help page will help you understand how to configure and manage your Goods and Services Tax(GST), Provincial Sales Tax(PST), and Harmonized Sales Tax(HST) when you operate a Zoho Inventory organization based in Canada
Five provinces—New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Ontario, and Prince Edward Island—have coordinated their provincial sales taxes with the GST to implement the Harmonized Sales Tax (HST), which operates in the same way as the GST. Businesses in these provinces will only ...