預防逾期和潛在的逾期付款收費,適用於您支付並提交60種以上的稅費時:工資起點扣除、GST、PST和HST,以及企業所得稅,均可透過易線網上理財1支付。 適用於有以下需求的企業: 希望減少文書 - 無需紙質表格、郵資、信封或支票 希望GST/HST退稅速度快於紙質申請 ...
在线支付营业税安全有保障。 纳税和报税 在线支付政府税费 预防逾期和潜在的逾期付款收费,适用于您支付并提交60种以上的税费时:工资起点扣除、GST、PST和HST,以及企业所得税,均可通过易线网上理财1支付。 适用于有以下需求的企业: 希望减少文书工作 - 无需纸质表格、邮资、信封或支票 ...
TD helps simplify your government payments. Avoid missed deadlines and late payment charges by filing your business taxes (GST/HST) online.
26.3.2 Contractor shall file with any applicable Governmental Authority any remittances or other materials required to be filed pursuant to Applicable Laws within the time periods specified therein. Sample 1Sample 2 SaveCopy GST and HST. The use of Funds is based on the net amount of goods and...
Businesses may want to register for the simplified GST/HST because it makes it easier to report and remit the GST/HST collected. Here are a few benefits to the simplified registration process: You do not need to provide the tax administration with the security deposit that is normally required...
Even though retailers are strictly instructed to revise their MRP according to the new GST norms, there are some that are still charging the old rate or levying GST over the maximum retail price. In such a case, the consumer can file a complaint against the manufacturer/seller through the ...