Wilks, Jamie
Method计算税款(GST按3.6%净税率申报,可减少核算复杂度)申报流程:登录CRA「My Business Account」选择「File a GST/HST Return」勾选「Quick Method Election」选项并填写净销售额系统自动计算应纳税额(无需逐笔核对进项税)4. 争议处理与合规工具税率争议申诉:若被误征高税率,可通过Form GST189申请调整并附...
Explores alternatives to Canada's Goods and Service Tax (GST). Excuse given by Finance Minister Paul Martin for not keeping the Liberal Party's pro-election promise to abolish the GST; Reasons behind the party's rejection of several GST alternatives; Imposition of a very low tax on financial...
Some relief is available to taxpayers who have made the functional currency election; they will now report the relevant cost amount and income numbers in that currency. However, when income from specified foreign property has been reported on a T3 or T5 from a Canadian issuer, taxpayers are exe...
GST/HST Closely Related Entities Election - New Filing RequirementsGoldman, Jesse
Rukavina, Stephen
Clampdown on Improper Joint Venture GST/HST S.273 Election but Regime to Be ExpandedKeung, Kenneth