向澳大利亚税务局(ATO)注册GST税 向应课税销售收取GST税 向ATO报GST税 向ATO支付GST税。 在该系统中,您在销售时收取GST,然后在GST报税中向ATO缴纳GST税款。这与中国的增值税(Value Added Tax)类似。 与其他许多国家不同,进口低价值商品的GST不会在入境时收缴,而非低价值商品则可在入境时缴纳税收、关税或其他费...
直接向澳大利亚销售商品 如果您直接向澳大利亚销售商品,则以下销售情形适用GST: 商品是低价值商品 您将其出售给消费者 您协助将商品运送到澳大利亚(例如,自行发送货物或安排他人送货) 非免缴GST商品 销售符合应税销售的条件–条件之一是您已注册或需要注册GST。 另请参阅: GST-free supplies for non-residents -关于...
虽然这些行业不征收GST,但是生意支出中包含的GST却可以从ATO退回。常见的GST Free行业包括:蔬菜水果、基本食物、基本医疗、教育、托儿服务、残疾人服务、农业出口等。 什么是Input-Taxed Supplies? Input-Taxed Supplies行业不向客户征收10%的GST,同时生意支出中的GST也不能从ATO退回。常见的行业有民用住宅出租(Resident...
While GST-free supplies spare you from paying GST, there’s a vital checkpoint to remember. If you supply digital currency, carry on an enterprise, and exceed the GST turnover threshold, you must register for GST. The ATO’s guidance can be found here. Conclusion In conclusion, the ATO ...
Check the ATO's website for more information.Do I need to register for GST? You have to register your business for GST if: your business sells goods and services that aren't GST-free you run a business or enterprise with an annual turnover of $75,000 or more you run a not-for-...
aThe difference between the GST collected through taxable supplies and credit for GST paid on purchases is remitted to the ATO as part of the Businesses Activity Statement. 在通过可征税的供应收集的GST和信用之间的区别为在购买支付的GST被宽恕对ATO作为经营活动声明一部分。[translate]...
GST-registered businesses add this to the prices they charge, collect it on the government’s behalf, then pay it to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO). Although a business pays GST on its supplies and purchases, it can usually claim the money back through its tax returns. Although ...
Some telecommunications supplies Where To Register Online You can register online for GST via the ATO's Business Portal or on the Australian Business Register's website. If you are registering for GST, you can also get an Australian Business Number or Tax File Number, register your business ...
+ExamplesofzeroratedorGST-freesuppliesinclude: -goodsandservicesnotconsumedinAustralia -education -health -childcare -basicnecessitiessuchasbasicfood Australia’smodelcont’d 1.Mostgoodsandservicesaretaxedat10% 2.GSTfree–somekeyexamples-food,education,health,exports,charitableactivities,childcare, religiousser...
aRegular operation of the GST puts the final cost of the tax on the end consumer of goods and services, with the supplies along the chain of production simply collecting and remitting the GST to the ATO. GST的规则操作在物品和服务的末端消费者投入税的最终成本,与供应沿简单地收集和宽恕GST的...