Focuses on CPA Australia's explanation on goods and services tax (GST) for non-residents. Australian government's proposal to amend a legislation that will make property owners liable for GST on property management services and repairs; Increase compliance costs for non-residents....
GST-free supplies for non-residents-关于新法规中无需缴纳GST之服务、数字产品和低价值进口商品的具体建议(英文) Introduction to GST - (中文版)- 关于如何处理在澳大利亚境内销售无需缴纳GST之商品的一般信息。 通过在线销售平台销售商品 如果您通过在线销售平台向消费者销售低价值商品、数字服务或数字产品,平台运营...
Now, let us look at GST due dates for January 2025. Here is a comprehensive image of our January GST Due Dates Calendar or GST Compliance Calendar. It has all the GST Due dates for January 2025 so that you never miss the January GST due date!....
TDS is applicable on certain payments made to non-residents, as per the Income-tax Act, 1961.To deduct TDS, you would need the vendor's PAN number. However, non-residents can apply for a PAN number in India.Determine the nature of services provided and whether they're taxable in India....
You do not need to provide the tax administration with the security deposit that is normally required from non-residents who register for GST/HST. Payments (remittances) are made on a quarterly basis, based on your calendar quarter reporting period. For businesses not using the simplified registra...
Non-residents with Liaison Office in India can file the annual statement within 8 months! Published on:11-Feb-2025 NRI E Way Bill now mandatory for movement of gold & other precious metal within Kerala! Published on:11-Feb-2025 GST E-way Bill ...
We help them obtain temporary GST registration for these activities. Non-Resident Taxable Person Registration Our GST registration services also include assisting non-residents supplying goods or services in India in obtaining temporary GST registration. Input service distributor (ISD) Registration ...
You do not need to provide the tax administration with the security deposit that is normally required from non-residents who register for GST/HST. Payments (remittances) are made on a quarterly basis, based on your calendar quarter reporting period. For businesses not using the simplified registra...
Upcoming Rule Changes In summary, non-residents selling to Canada will have to register for GST/HST as of July 1, 2021 simply if they sell services or intangibles to Canadian consumers worth more than $30,000 over four calendar quarters. Non-residents will be required to register under a ne...
Persons who are non-residents yet pay taxes Companies with revenue that exceeds the qualifying limit Persons who enrolled before the implementation of the GST law GST Returns A GST return is documentation that a user has to file with the government that provides details about their earnings. They...