个人更倾向于GST + PST的税收制度。GST只是对某些商品征税,而PST则适用于所有商品。这意味着,当你购买某些特定商品时,你可以节省5%的税金。相比之下,HST则对所有商品征收,无论你购买的是什么,都无法享受节省税金的优惠。尽管HST税率计划在2014年降至10%,但某些商品的税率还是提高了3%。我认为这...
【🎉BC省今天正式取消HST,恢复PST+GST系统】BC省今天正式取消HST,吃货们在餐厅用餐终于不需要付12%的HST税,而只需付5%的GST即可!另外电影票,单车和儿童衣物等都只需付5%的GST,所以大家购物的时候要看清楚收据,看看收税是否正确哦。常见物品和服务税收列表请看:OHST撤销后常见商品付税表 - Vandiary 吃喝玩......
Based on our findings, 98% of organizations in BC leave tax money on the table while filing their GST & PST returns & rebates. We review your records to recover GST & PST that has been overlooked by staff and auditors. Fees are based solely on successful recovery. ...
including software and telecommunication services, to register for PST collection if their gross revenue from all taxable and exempt sales to BC customers was more than $10,000 in the previous 12 months or is expected to exceed that amount in the next 12 months. ...
goods or services in the province, including software and telecommunication services, to register for PST collection if their gross revenue from all taxable and exempt sales to BC customers was more than $10,000 in the previous 12 months or is expected to exceed that amount in the next 12 ...
Goods & services that will have the HST added in both provinces   Goods and services with variable PST/HST status in Ontario and B.C.   * While the Ontario tax rate for prepared foods and beverages under $4 is often said to be tax exempt, that is not correct. According...
HITACHI PST330 USPP PST330 e-Replacements DT00431ER Proj Lamp for 3M/Hitachi/other DT00431-ER 4254042 Arm Cylinder Seal Kit Fits Hitachi EX700 4266596 Arm Bucket Cylinder Seal Kit Fits Hitachi EX700 HITACHI GA32-075-30 NSPP GA3207530 4257933 Bucket Linkage Link R/H Fits Hitachi EX100, ...
Calculates Canadian sales taxes: GST HST and PST today or as they were in the past. Java Applet that can also be run as an application. Java source code and sample HTML included. This version computes by adding GST HST and PST to a base price. You can compute taxes as they ...
TDBTH2A 主要特点 266HSHQSBA1E2B7I2C5H3 设备编号:2000-PT-20008 型号: 电议 TDBTH6A 技术特点 1TNA920005R2102 适用于参数TK201 2.5M,带USB 型号: 电议 EVC014 EVC007 EVC005 概述 YAICS1C 1769-AND 型号: 电议 TBAIS1C 产品基本信息 3KXP065007U0100/DR3071 1746-P2 型号:...