GSS(General Social Survey)研究一般指的是美国每年进行的关于社会和文化议题的调查,该调查采用随机样本和面对面访谈方式,主要涵盖了美国社会的经济、教育、政治、宗教等方面,以及人们的家庭、工作、健康和幸福感等私人生活领域,是一个综合性的社会调查项目。GSS研究在社会科学研究中具有重要地位,因为它...
GSS是General Social Survey的缩写。它是一个美国的综合性社会调查项目,由全美最大的非营利社会科学研究机构National Opinion Research Center(NORC)发起和实施。该项目的目的是通过问卷调查的方式获取有关美国居民的社会、经济和文化状况的数据,以帮助社会学、政治学、经济学等领域的研究者进行研究和分析...
[2] Marsden P V , Smith T W , Hout M . Tracking US Social Change Over a Half-Century: The General Social Survey at Fifty[J]. Annual Review of Sociology, 2020, 46(1). [3]Measuring Stability and Change in Personal Culture Using Panel Data[J]. American Sociological Review, 2020, 85(...
The General Social Survey (GSS) is a now-biennial national survey designed to be the premier social science instrument to monitor social change in the USA. With continued funding from the US National...doi:10.1007/978-94-007-0753-5_1148John RobinsonSpringer Netherlands...
The General Social Survey is the largest and longest-running project supported by the Sociology Program of the National Science Foundation. Since 1972 it has monitored societal change in the United States with annual or biennial national, full-probability in-person samples of adults living in ...
forcats::gss_cat数据集是General Social Survey中的一个样本,General Social Survel是由芝加哥大学的一个独立调查机构NORC进行的一个长期的美国调查,调查中有成千上万的问题,gss_cat数据集中包含的分类变量很适合用来演示处理因子时会遇到的常见挑战。
GSS General Social Survey GSS Graduate School of Science (various locations) GSS Geschwister-Scholl-Schule (German school) GSS Great Singapore Sale (Singapore) GSS Government Secondary School (various locations) GSS Graduate School of Social Service (Fordham University; New York) GSS Global Site Selec...