`gsl_multiroot_function`需要用户提供自定义的函数和该函数的参数个数。 下面是一个使用`gsl_multiroot_function`的基本示例: ```c #include <stdio.h> #include <gsl/gsl_multiroot_function.h> int main (void) { int i; gsl_multiroot_function_type * f = gsl_multiroot_function_alloc (3, 2); /...
_result :=int32(C.gsl_integration_qawf((*C.gsl_function)(unsafe.Pointer(f.CPtr())), C.double(a), C.double(epsabs), C.size_t(limit), (*C.gsl_integration_workspace)(unsafe.Pointer(workspace.Ptr())), (*C.gsl_integration_workspace)(unsafe.Pointer(cycleWorkspace.Ptr())), (*C.gsl...
Flexible GSL functiondaily.mean.temp
Math::Libgsl::Function provides an interface to special function evaluation in libgsl, the GNU Scientific Library.Math::Libgsl::Function makes these tags available::airy :bessel :coulomb :coupling :dawson :debye :dilog :mult :ellint :ellfun :err :exp :fermidirac :gamma...
gsl_complex z;GSL_SET_COMPLEX(&z, ar - br, ai - bi);returnz; } 开发者ID:raulmonti,项目名称:FIG,代码行数:10,代码来源:math.c 示例2: gsl_complex_add ▲点赞 5▼ gsl_complexgsl_complex_add(gsl_complex a, gsl_complex b){/* z=a+b */doublear = GSL_REAL (a), ai = GSL_IMAG...
However, in the current implementation, the GSL and lifetimebound analyses are orthogonal. I'm a bit nervous about the implications; the behavior might become harder to reason about. I see a potential way out of this. Is it possible to describe the semantics of GSL annotations in terms of...
Cholesterol and glycosphingolipids (GSL) are the major species that accumulate in plasma membrane lipid rafts. These complexes imbue the membrane with increased order, which in turn, plays a central role in the transmembrane signaling foci lipid rafts provide. In addition, both GSL and cholestero...
使用QTLtools计算QTL时报错:gsl: simplex2.c:372: ERROR: non-finite function value encountered 跑以下命令时报错: QTLtools cis --vcf file.vcf.gz --bed file.bed.gz --cov covariate.txt --permute 10000 --grp-best --window 100000 --out permutations.txt...
5.Hardness value display on screen, and with hardness conversion function6. Test force with automatic calibration function, load automatic corrected, much more accuracy7. Hardness value automatic corrected according to different hardness block8. Large test s...