虽然说起来简单就三种: 处方药(POM), 非处方药(GSL, P),"There are 3 ways that medicines can be sold and supplied in the UK. These are: on a prescription referred to as prescription-only medicines (POMs) in a pharmacy without prescription, under the supervision of a pharmacist (P) as a ...
More GSL changes.Deals with the publication of the Statutory Instrument relating to the general sales list (GSL) status of several medicines in Great Britain. Amendments to the GSL Order; Dosage rules of the Statutory Instrument.EBSCO_bspChemist & Druggist...
1613 36 medicine medical medicines 1614 36 stroke strokes 1615 36 bite bit bites 1616 36 lung lungs 1617 36 lonely loneliness 1618 36 admission admit admissions 1619 36 stupid stupidity, stupidly 1620 36 scratch scratches, scratched, scratching 1621 36 composition compose compositions 1622 36 broadcas...
相关疾病 感冒,鼻塞,头痛,咽喉痛,发热,鼻塞 适应症 用于感冒引起的鼻塞、头痛、咽喉痛、发热等。 不良反应 1.常规剂量下,对乙酰氨基酚的不良反应很少,偶尔可引起恶心、呕吐、出汗、腹痛、皮肤苍白等。 2.少数病例可发生过敏性皮炎(皮疹、皮肤瘙痒等)、粒细胞缺乏、血小板减少、高铁血红蛋白血症、贫血、肝肾功能损害...
贝诺酯为阿司匹林与对乙酰氨基酚以酯键结合的中性化合物,有解热镇痛作用,不良反应较阿司匹林小,易于耐受,口服后在胃肠道不被水解,在肠内吸收并迅速在血中达到有效浓度,特点是很少引起胃肠出血;维生素B1可增强贝诺酯解热镇痛作用。 药代动力学 未进行该项实验且无可靠参考文献。
5.This product cannot replace medicines Method of storage Please keep in a cool and dry place at room temperature Services OEM & ODM & Private Label & box Packing Bulk, bottle, blister, or customer's requirement Delivery time Depend on your order quantity Compa...
8.如正在使用其他药品,使用本品前请咨询医师或药师。 类型 OTC甲类 医保 医保乙类 外用药 否 有效期 36个月 国家/地区 国产 孕妇及哺乳期妇女用药 孕妇慎用。 儿童用药 1.儿童必须在成人监护下使用。 2.4岁以下儿童请咨询医师。 老人用药 尚不明确。
Reports that Reckitt Benckiser professional relations manager Mel Smith has warned community pharmacists in Great Britain of an increase in number of pharmacy (P) category medicines switching to the general sales list (GSL) category. Loss of retail price maintenance; Ways by which community ...
Products to be consulted on; Details on the consultation issued by the Medicines Control Agency in Great Britain; Reason for introducing the system; Information included in the Application to Reclassify a Medicine system.EBSCO_bspChemist & Druggist...