gsl_matrix *unm_logit = gsl_matrix_alloc(NCOMP,block); gsl_matrix *temp_I = gsl_matrix_alloc(NCOMP,NCOMP); gsl_matrix *ones = gsl_matrix_alloc(block,1); gsl_matrix_set_all(ones,1.0);doublemax; gsl_matrix_view sub_x_white_view;// gsl_matrix *d_unmixer = gsl_matrix_alloc(NCOMP...
a physical dimension, a pointer to the memory where the elements of the matrix are stored, data, a pointer to the block owned by the matrix block, if any, and an ownership flag, owner. Thephysical dimensiondetermines the memory layout and can differ from the matrix dimension to allow the ...
gsl_matrix *K,std::vector<gsl_matrix*> *L,std::vector<gsl_matrix*> *da_pred,std::vector<std::vector<gsl_matrix*> > *dP_pred,std::vector<gsl_matrix*> *dK){//int s, p = dim[1], mp1 = m + 1;inti, j, k, n = dim[0], m = dim[2], jm1, r = dim[3], rp1 = ...
Vectors and Matrices 向量与矩阵 gsl_block.h、gsl_vector.h、gsl_matrix.h 创建vector 也好、matrix 也好,都依赖 gsl_block 这个结构,可以用 gsl_block_alloc() 和 gsl_block_calloc() 分配,gsl_block_free() 释放,另外有对流的输入输出,如 gsl_block_fread()、gsl_block_fwrite()、gsl_block_fprintf()...
gsl_block_char_alloc (const size_t n) { gsl_block_char * b; b = (gsl_block_char *) malloc (sizeof (gsl_block_char)); b->data = (char *) calloc (1, 1 * n * sizeof (char)); b->size = n; return b; } gsl_matrix_char * gsl_matrix_char_alloc (const size_t n1, ...
gsl_spmatrix_free(ccs); gsl_spmatrix_free(crs); gsl_spmatrix_free(ccstr);return; } 开发者ID:atantet,项目名称:gsl,代码行数:50,代码来源:test.c 示例11: FUNCTION ▲点赞 1▼ voidFUNCTION(test, trap)(void){ TYPE (gsl_block) * b = FUNCTION (gsl_block, alloc) (0);gsl_test(b !=...
gsl_matrix_free(HHH);fprintf(stderr," symm ok, r2=%f\n",r2);returnr2; } 开发者ID:hahtse,项目名称:Leben,代码行数:66,代码来源:SymmetricNMF.c 示例4: gsl_matrix_complex_alloc ▲点赞 1▼ //...这里部分代码省略...}/// load productions//pAgent->LoadProductions(SoarFn());// spawn...