GSK-3β inhibitor 8 (GSK3β Inhibitor XVIII)是具有有效和选择性的 GSK-3β 抑制剂 ,IC50值为 64 nM。GSK-3β inhibitor 8 是一种噻吩嘧啶衍生物,负调控 Wnt 信号通路,刺激 β 细胞增殖。 规格价格库存数量 1 mg¥ 77035日内发货 大包装 & 定制 ...
The Wnt/frizzled/GSK -3 beta pathway: a novel therapeutic target for cardiac hypertrophy [ J ]. Trends Pharmacol Sci, 2008, 29(4):175-180.B lankesteijn WM , van de Schans VA , ter Horst P, et al. The W nt/ frizzled / GSK - 3 beta pathway: a novel thera2 peutic target for...
糖原合成酶激酶3β(glycogen syntheses kinase 3β,GSK3β)具有促纤维化的作用,但是其机制以及在肾脏纤维化中的作用尚不清楚,探讨了GSK3β在肾小管间质纤维化中的作用及其机制。 GSK3β是在1980年做为糖原合成酶抑制分子被发现,随后发现其广泛参与了细胞增殖、干细胞更新、凋亡和及发育的过程,通过胰岛素、Wnt/β...
Common gamma Chain Receptor Family EMT Induction Hedgehog Family IL-10 Family IL-17 Family Intracellular Kinases in the Akt Pathway Intracellular Signaling Molecules in Angiogenesis Neurofibrillary Tangle Formation Notch Pathway Wnt Intracellular Signaling...
GSK-3β可以磷酸化β-catenin并调控Wnt信号通路,还可以调节cyclin D1的蛋白降解和细胞内定位。GSK-3β的生物学特性:GSK-3最早在兔骨骼肌的分次提取物中被分离出来,主要有两种亚型,即GSK-3α和GSK-3β,二者在催化区域具有98%的同源性,于N-和C-末端略有不同。
Leptin-induced epithelial-mesenchymal transition in breast cancer cells requires beta-catenin activation via Akt/GSK3-dependent and MTA/Wnt1-dependent path... react-text: 96 To goal of this project is to understand how resistin cytokine affects insulin sensitivity of the peripheral tissues. /react-...
The master regulator of the pigmentation microphthalmia-associated transcription factor (MITF) is a target for the Wnt pathway, however, to date, the regulatory role of GSK3β in the control of melanogenesis has not been elucidated. In this study, we evaluated the effect of inhibiting GSK3β ...
kl549Hu01 无翅型MMTV整合位点家族成员5A(WNT5A)多克隆抗体 Polyclonal Antibody to Wingless Type MMTV Integration Site Family, Member 5A (WNT5A) kl549Mu01 无翅型MMTV整合位点家族成员5A(WNT5A)多克隆抗体 Polyclonal Antibody to Wingless Type MMTV Integration Site Family, Member 5A (WNT5A) ...
GSK-3β, His•Tag®, Human, Recombinant, E. coli Recombinant, human GSK-3β fused at the N-terminus to a His•Tag® sequence and expressed in E. coli. A dual specificity kinase that plays important roles in insulin- and Wnt-mediated cellular signalings. In AD (Alzheimer’s disea...