It's possible that GShade doesn't support this graphics chip or this driver, in which case there's not really anything you can do. I will say that I wouldn't expect Sims 4 to run very well with GShade installed. It shouldn't crash, just run more slowly, and perhaps too poorly to ...
i'm not sure if this is an issue with gshade, the sims 4, or the laptop itself.i've spent days running through all of the gshade troubleshooting methods with no success and don't know what to do next.any help would be greatly appreciated! 0 + XP #9 January 2023 Options Pilar...
模拟人生4|果园一站式服饰站 果园汉化组 我做了个滤镜!| 模拟人生4 ReShade滤镜使用&参数讲解 | 万粉福利 | 日系滤镜 Sims阿咪 06:12 小桃子要开花 04:44 模拟人生4恋爱必备模组推荐 第一印象 更多情绪 更多亲吻 可爱浪漫 激情浪漫 真实生活-我的外貌 1.96适用mod分享 ...
i tried downloading gshade for my sims 4 game and at first i thought it didn’t do anything, but now i’ve realised it made most of the clickable buttons like in the menu and the tick button to confirm things are different shapes and have different pictures on them, like when confirming...