The following presets have been added: FFXIV: GShade\GShadeGameplayLarboard.ini The following presets have been updated: FFXIV: GShade\GShadeChromaKey.ini GShade\GShadeCityofSin.ini GShade\GShadeDeus.ini GShade\GShadeFilmNoir.ini GShade\GShadeGameplayDeus.ini ...
<WINEPREFIX=/path/to/prefix> ./ ffxiv -- Install to FFXIV in provided Wine Prefix or autodetect if no Wine Prefix WINEPREFIX=/path/to/prefix ./ [dx(?)|opengl] /path/to/game.exe -- Install to custom location with designated graphical API version. ...
Click HERE to download a .zip of the current ipsuShade files. You need to open your FFXIV /game/ folder and navigate inside the /reshade-presets/ folder. Open the the ipsuShade .zip you just downloaded, navigate inside it's /reshade-presets/ folder. Copy the ipsuShade folder from in...