Using an antibody recognizing an N-terminal region in the CARD of caspase-4, we only detected the Asp270-processed p31 in LPS-transfected HeLa, THP1, HL60, or HT29 cells, which presented in the supernatants but not cell lysates (Figure 2E). The same observation was recorded in Salmonella...
Similar to what was observed in mouse macrophages, infection with C. albicans triggered robust cleavage of full-length hGSDMD and generated the active N-terminal fragment in hMDMs (Fig. 10a). NSA treatment significantly supressed C. albicans-induced pro-caspase-1 and hGSDMD cleavage, as well ...
The GSDMD protein contains both the N terminal and the C terminal structural domain, and the N terminal domain plays a major role in the induction of pyroptosis [52]. The Feng Shao group described the detailed function of GSDMD. Caspase-1, caspase-4, and caspase-11 cleave the GSDMD in ...
The GSDMs are normally self-inhibited through the intramolecular association between the N-terminal pore-forming domain and the C-terminal fragment38,39. Upon bacterial infection and/or encountering danger signals, cleavage in the linker region unleashes the pore-forming activity of the N-terminal ...
Cleared mouse brains were subjected to light-sheet microscopy, and 3D reconstruction was performed. d, Representative images of 647-dextran distribution in the mouse brain. e, f, 647-dextran distribution along the rostral-caudal (e) or the medial-lateral axis (f) (n = 3 mice per group...
Myeloid Ikaros–SIRT1 signaling axis regulates hepatic inflammation and pyroptosis in ischemia-stressed mouse and human liver 2022, Journal of Hepatology Citation Excerpt : Its N-terminal domain (GSDMD-N) then translocates to the plasma membrane, causing water influx, cell swelling/lysis, and release...
NLRP3, nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain-like receptor family pyrin domain containing 3; GSDMD-N, N-terminal fragment of gasdermin D; ox-LDL, oxidized low-density lipoprotein; PAG, D,L-propargylglycine; IOD, integrated optical density. Pretreatment with NaHS significantly attenuated the ...
CatG Directly Cleaves GSDMD into a Stable N-Terminal Domain GSDMD-p30 Because CatG induces a regulated form of necrosis with fast kinetics, we hypothesized that CatG might process GSDMD to induce cell lysis. We indeed found that purified human CatG cleaved both human and mouse GSDMD to form...
Infection withC. albicanstriggered robust cleavage of full-length GSDMD and generated the active N-terminal fragment in mouse bone marrow-derived macrophages (BMDMs), indicating direct activation of GSDMD byC. albicans(Fig.1a). GSDMD cleavage occurred as early as 4 h after the infection and con...
CCL11, also known as Eotaxin, is a member of CC chemokine family with a CC domain on N-terminal. The biological effects of CCL11 are closely associated with its chemotaxis of recruiting eosinophils in inflammatory sites during allergic reactions [27, 28]. CCL11 can be produced by immune cel...