GSAT11 SMT扩展库 PCB免费打样 描述 - 品牌名称OGAM 商品型号 GSAT11 商品编号 C239024 商品封装 插件 包装方式 袋装 商品毛重 0.98克(g) 商品参数 参数完善中 梯度价格 梯度 售价 折合1袋 1+¥35.69 10+¥30.72 30+¥27.77¥1388.5 优惠活动 购买数量(50个/袋,最小起订量 1 个) ...
GSAT 11 is classified as: Geostationary NORAD ID: 43824 Int'l Code: 2018-100B Perigee: 35,775.1 km Apogee: 35,812.6 km Inclination: 0.1 ° Period: 1,436.1 minutes Semi major axis: 42164 km RCS: Unknown Launch date: December 4, 2018 Source...
#航天# #科普时间#印度GSAT-11通讯卫星和韩国GEO-KOMPSAT-2A静地气象卫星由阿丽亚娜5 ECA 自库鲁成功发射 http://t.cn/E4X5j8U
GSAT-11 India?s heaviest communication satellite GSAT-11 launched succesfully: Here’s what you need to know December 6, 2018 About AuthorHow To Guide How-To-Guide.info, a platform where knowledge meets practicality and everyday questions find comprehensive answers....
GSAT-11 in a clean room India's heaviest communication satellite GSAT-11 was launched successfully on December 5, 2018 from the Spaceport in French Guiana along with South Korea's GEO-KOMPSAT-2A satellite, onboard Ariane VA 246 launch vehicle. As per original plan, GSAT-11 was to be launch...
【发射】Ariane..北京时间2018年12月05日04点37分,Arianespace用Ariane 5 ECA VA246发射GSAT-11和GEO-KOMPSAT-2A发射时间: 北京时间2018年12月05日04点
https://youtu.be/tXolCLegQWM12月5日4:37,阿丽亚娜航天公司Arianespace在法属圭亚那库鲁3号航天发射区使用Ariane 5 ECA发射了GSAT-11 和 GEO-KOMPSAT-2A卫星。GSAT-11是印度地球静止通信卫星。它基于新的I-6K总线,在Ku波段和Ka波段频率上承载40个转发器。 GEO-KOMPSAT 2A
(GSAT) has contracted its fourth transponder on NSS-11, cementing SES’ orbital position of 108.2 degrees East as one of Asia’s leading video neighbourhoods. The multi-year deal will see the transfer of current capacity usage by GSAT from NSS-11 to SES-9, currently scheduled for launch ...