scrollTrigger:{ scrub:1, trigger:".scroll-trigger-ready__worm-wrap", start:"top 90%", end:"bottom 30%", }, }); DemosDocs Start End Pin, Scrub, Debug Pin sections in place, scrub through animations with the scrollbar, and debug easily by enabling visual markers. ...
ScrollSmoother adds a vertical smooth-scrolling effect to a ScrollTrigger-based page. Unlike most smooth-scrolling libraries, ScrollSmoother leverages NATIVE scrolling - it doesn't add "fake" scrollbars nor does it mess with touch/pointer functionality.
scrollTrigger: { //define trigger element, whenever ".class" comes into view, the animation plays trigger: ".box", //markers. disable it with false endTrigger: "", markers: true, //scrub links animation to scrollbar, scrub through it while scrolling //scrub:2 takes 2s...
GSAP is an industry standard JavaScript animation library from GreenSock that lets you craft high-performance animations that work in every major browser.
GSAP is an industry standard JavaScript animation library from GreenSock that lets you craft high-performance animations that work in every major browser.
registerPlugin(ScrollTrigger); panels.forEach((panel, i) => { let imageWrappers = panel.querySelectorAll(".col__image-wrap") console.log(imageWrappers) gsap.fromTo(imageWrappers, { y: "-30vh" }, { y: "30vh", scrollTrigger: { trigger: panel, scrub: true, start: "top bottom", /...
scrollTriggerが適用されているものtrue inherit ブーリアン型 通常トゥイーンは親タイムラインのデフォルトオブジェクト(定義されている場合)から継承する inherit:falseを設定することで、トゥイーンごとにこれを無効にできる lazy ブーリアン型 ...
GSAP不是必需的。我建议使用浏览器的Intersection Observer API 工作演示:
GSAP不是必需的。我建议使用浏览器的Intersection Observer API 工作演示: