GS_SESSION_MEMORY_STATISTICS视图显示和当前用户执行复杂作业正在运行时的负载管理内存使用的信息。表1 GS_SESSION_MEMORY_STATISTICS字段 名称 类型 描述 datid oid 连接后端的数据库OID usename name 登录到该后端的用户名 pid bigint 后端线程ID start_time timestamp with time zone 语句执行的开始时间 min_...
GS_SESSION_MEMORY GS_SESSION_MEMORY视图统计Session级别的内存使用情况,包含执行作业在数据节点上gaussdb线程和Stream线程分配的所有内存。当GUC参数enable_memory_limit的值为off时,本视图不可用。 表1 GS_SESSION_MEMORY字段 来自:帮助中心 查看更多 → GS GS_SESSION_MEMORY GS_SESSION_MEMORY视图显示Session级...
Database migrations. CLI and Golang library. Contribute to gschurck/migrate development by creating an account on GitHub.
VIDEO_MEMORY_MANAGEMENT_INTERNAL (10e)The video memory manager encountered a condition that it can't recover from. By crashing,the video memory manager is attempting to get enough information into the minidump such thatsomebody can pinpoint what lead to this condition.Arguments:...
Note that if you fail to call Set-CsRgsHoursOfBusiness, the newly created time range will exist in memory only, and will disappear the moment you close Windows PowerShell or delete the variable $sundayHours. If that happens, then the Help Desk Hours business hours collection will not be ...
事务统计 当前SQL执行数和Session数。 2、节点级别 CPU使用情况 主机使用CPU情况,包括cpu busy time、cpu idle time等。 内存使用情况 主机使用内存情况,包括物理内存总量、已使用量等。 I/O使用情况 文件读写次数和时间。 3、会话/进程级别 CPU使用情况 会话使用CPU情况,包括cpu busy time、cpu idle time等。
CheckIdleSession(检查业务停止) 检查非空闲会话数,如果数量为0则检查项通过,否则检查项不通过。 否 CheckDBConnection(检查数据库连接) 检查能否连接数据库,如果连接成功则检查项通过,否则检查项不通过。 否 CheckGUCValue(GUC参数检查) 检查(max_connections + max_prepared_transactions) * max_locks_per_transaction...
you’re running an in-person4egame and weren’t aware ofMasterplan, you should consider it for tracking initiative, etc. We use it with a big screen TV as our battle map. This was my goofy way of letting everyone know that the set up was ready for what was the upcoming session:...
A Day One session on mobile gaming draws on the experience of execs from Nokia, Taito, Namco, and Hudson Soft. Sep 26, 2003 6:02pm TGS 2003: Keynote reflections Nintendo president Satoru Iwata opens Tokyo Game Show; talks up wireless gaming and NCL's strategy to tap the growing Chinese...