to institutionalize credit. rift between all india kisan sabha and indian national congress a good number of the inc leaders were zamindars themselves, while the peasants and workers came from another class. thus this class clash within the inc was a hurdle, in implementing all the schemes that...
List of Government Schemes UPSC Prelims 2022 Related Links: IAS ExamUPSC Prelims CSATNCERT NotesUPSC Mains Syllabus UPSC Exam PatternUPSC SyllabusUPSC Previous Year Question PapersUPSC Preparation UPSC Answer KeysIAS Current AffairsUPSC PrelimsUPSC Online ...
the International Business Council of the World Economic Forumseeks to remake society by assigning a score to both the corporations and the products that they manufacture and sell. This score will then be used to measure how well a particular company is playing ball with the dictates of the WE...