In my local app, I render panorama images by using a huge sphere and texturing it in a custom shader. The sphere is a unit sphere model from a GLTF json string, and I use its modelMatrix to position it to the current camera's position, and to scale it by camera.frustum.far. This ...
The first semi-robotic flying, half scale ornithopter/pterosaur flown over Death Valley, CA in the IMAX film On the Wing. Displayed at the National Zoological Park Visitor Center (Wash. DC) 1988-2002. Now privately stored in the National Museum of Air and Space's Paul E. Garber ...
“The most dangerous of all is the kraken Mahg’og,” the elf spoke ruefully. “He is In Tirn vi in Nen, The Watcher in the Water, and all the creatures of In Lhun pay him respect.” According to Ilean, Mahg’og was not as cruel a tyrant as Thorodin. An offering of treasure...