Dear Readers, Welcome to General Studies objective type questions (MCQ) with answers onAgriculture. These questions onAgricultureare useful for IAS prelims (CSAT) and civil services mains exams like UPSC, MPSC, TNPSC, RAS. Learn and prepare with these onlineAgriculturepractice test questions to crac...
(9.30 am to 11.30 am). the upsc prelims paper 1 consists of 100 mcq-type (objective) questions, for a total of 200 marks. it covers a varied range of subjects such as economy, history, geography, polity, international relations, science and technology, environment and ecology, current ...
number of questions: 80 objective-type (mcq) questions negative marking: yes (1/3rd of the maximum marks for the question) time: 2 hours type of exam: offline exam date of csat exam: 10th october 2021 language of csat exam paper: english/hindi maximum marks: 200 csat qualifying marks...
number of questions: 80 objective-type (mcq) questions negative marking: yes (1/3rd of the maximum marks for the question) time: 2 hours type of exam: offline exam date of csat exam: 10th october 2021 language of csat exam paper: english/hindi maximum marks: 200 csat qualifying marks...