As part of thetree_model::Item_Adaptora data structure is needed that allows for efficient rank operations (e.g. accessing the k-th element or determing the rank of an element). Just using a combination of lookup tables and a list is not sufficient, because operations like removal and ins...
They may offer an equivalent way of diagnosing epilepsy and other seizure disorders in Germany [8]. The here presented study, funded by the German Innovations Fund of the Federal Joint Committee (G-BA), aims to evaluate if ALVEEGs in an outpatient setting as diagnostic pathways are equally ...
IV Rank: The current IV compared to the highest and lowest values over the past 1-year. If IV Rank is 100% this means the IV is at its highest level over the past 1-year, and can signify the market is overbought. Fields displayed on the Short Iron Condor strategies include: Price~ ...
For quantitative assessment of viral RNA non- human primate plasma samples, whole blood was collected using a K3 EDTA Greiner Vacuette tube (or equivalent) and sample centrifuged at 2500 (± 200) relative centrifugal force for 10 ± 2 min. To inactivate virus, plasma was treated with ...
Note:AccordingtoyourDOSversion,usetheequivalentofthe“cmd’command. UNIXusers:thefollowingcommand:makelgsun4os5.Thiscommandwilllaunch themakefileinwhichaLogiscopetargethasbeendefined,tocompileandlink-edit togethertheinstrumentedsourcefilesandtheinstrumentationlibraryfilelocatedin log_install_dir/instr/src/vlgtchk...
dollar interest rate swap transaction with a term equal to the specified index maturity, commencing on the relevant interest reset date, with an acknowledged dealer of good credit in the swap market, where the floating leg, calculated on an Actual/360 day count basis, is equivalent to LIBOR ...
Selecting one of these properties is equivalent to adding the associated switch to the PVF compilation and link lines: -Mcuda[=cuda7.5 | cuda8.0 ] 2.3. C Structs in OpenACC Static arrays of struct and pointers to dynamic arrays of struct have long been supported with the PGI Accelerator...
46912 - Add methods to query outline level for HSSF and XSSF 49541 - Mapping of symbol characters to unicode equivalent 57007 - Add initial implementations of DMIN and DGET functions 57373 - Fix get/setFirstVisibleTab() for XSSFWorkbook 57231 - Add missing ArrayRecord.clone() 56511 -...
show that if the class in the Bloch-Kato Selmer group constructed from certain diagonal cycle does not vanish, which is conjecturally equivalent to the nonvanishing of the central critical first derivative of the Rankin-Selberg L L -function, then the Bloch-Kato Selmer group is of rank one....
Power by Sample Size Graph Narratives The narrative for this task does not include the survival times and probabili- ties for the survival curves: For a log-rank test comparing two survival curves with a two- sided significance level of 0.05, assuming uniform accrual with an accrual time of ...