全新F900GS、F900GS Adventure (ADV) 及其他衍生车型,不仅在性能、设计和配置上进行了大幅优化,还加入了更多个性化选择,重新定义了中量级越野摩托车的标准。 1. 强劲动力与轻量化设计 F900GS系列搭载了经过优化的895cc双缸发动机,最大功率提升至105马力,峰值扭矩达到68.6磅英尺,较上一代F850GS显著提升。这一切源于...
Tras la presentación de las nuevas BMW F 750 GS y F 850 GS en otoño de 2017, la nueva F 850 GS Adventure amplía ahora la gama premium de BMW Motorrad en este segmento. Basada en el carácter dinámico y off-road de la F 850 GS, la nueva Adventure une a la perfección ...
在我们的越野试驾环节,无论是在松散砾石路面、还是在山野林道以及其他各种情况下都感到非常自信。 我很享受之前试驾F 850 GS的体验,但很容易得出结论,F 900 GS带来的骑行乐趣要更加刺激。悬挂系统在越野路况下的表现也非常出色,没有出现公路环节中遇到的问题。 总的来说,宝马新款的F 900 GS相比之前850的版本进化...
Following the newly developed BMW F 750 GS and F 850 GS presented in autumn 2017, the new F 850 GS Adventure now expands the premium BMW Motorrad range in this segment. Based on the dynamic and offroad oriented character of the F 850 GS, the new Adventure ideally unites agility and tour...
New 2019 BMW F 750 GS and F 850 GS Ever since their debut in 2007, theGSmodels of theFseries have stood for premium riding enjoyment with typical ‘Made by BMW Motorrad’ features, representing the middle-class Adventure segment. As before, theGSabbreviation again represents a perfect synthes...
使用低挡风玻璃时,气流会一直吹到脸上。身高较高或较矮的骑手可能会有不同的体验。与往常一样,售后市场会迅速解决这个问题。 F 900 GS 是一款改进后的机器,其动力明显超过 F 850 GS。无需在急转弯时额外降档,事实上,动力参数与新款Triumph Tiger 900和KTM 890 Adventure相当。
True to BMW’s revamped focus intended for adventure riders who like to spend more time in the dirt, the F 900 GS feels leagues ahead of the F 850 GS off-road. I’d argue there’s no reason to compare it to the previous 850 because not many similarities exist off road. ...
One of the best adventure bikes around when launched Loads of kit and huge array of options Built really well, should be strong used buy At a glance Owners' reliability rating: 4 out of 5 (4/5) Annual servicing cost: £220 Power: 125 bhp Seat height: Tall (33.5 in / 850 mm) ...
The new BMW F 750 GS and F 850 GS: Premium middle-class travel enduros with strong characters. Ever since their debut in 2007, the GS models of the F series have stood for premium riding enjoyment with typical ‘Made by BMW Motorrad’ features, representing the middle-class Adventure segmen...
For years, the core competencies of the renowned BMW Motorrad middle-class BMW F 750 GS, BMW F 850 GS and BMW F 850 GS Adventure models have been manifold: premium riding enjoyment thanks to reliable controllability on all roads, impressive engine power as well as extensive everyday-driving ...