are abnormal. The classical Grubbs test can help identifying one outlier, while the double Grubbs test allows identifying two. It is not recommended to use these methods repeatedly on the same sample. However, it may be appropriate if you really suspect that there are more than two outliers. ...
■多种方法结合使用:为了减少犯错误的概率,可以将3 种以上统计检验法结合使用,根据多数方法的判断结果,确定可疑值是否为异常值。 ■异常值来源:测量仪器不正常,测量环境偏离正常值较大,计算机出错,看错,读错,抄错,算错,转移错误。 —— 参考: htt...
Method We will present the designing and the operational procedure of the proposed test under the neutrosophic statistical interval method. Results The application of the proposed test will be given with the aid of real data from the medical field. Conclusion From the comparisons, it is concluded ...
Grubbs outlier test(异常值)grubbs outlier test(异常值) grubbs?outlier test (grubbs 1969 checksnormally distributed data foroutliers. onehas checkwhether datashow normaldistribution before applying grubbstest. grubbstest always checks valuewhich shows largestabsolute deviation from outlierhas been identified...
Grubbs outlier test(异常值)Grubbs' outlier test (Grubbs 1969 andStefansky1972 ) checks normally distributed data foroutliers. This implies that one has to check whether the data show anormal distributionbefore applying the Grubbs test. The Grubbs test always checks the value which shows the ...
格拉布斯和和狄克逊法均给出了严格的结果,但存在狄克逊法同样的缺陷。 优化 朱宏等人采用数据值的中位数取代平均值,改进得到了更为稳健的处理方法,有效消除了同侧异常值的屏蔽效应。 国际上常推荐采用格拉布斯准则法。 参考:
Critical values for Grubbs' test. with alpha=5% Note that these values are for the two-sided Grubbs test. This looks for outliers that are either much higher than the other values or much lower. Prism and our QuickCalc only perform this two-sided Grubb's test. If your situation is such...
print(grubbs.max_test_outliers([8, 9, 10, 1, 9], alpha=0.05)) print(grubbs.max_test_indices([8, 9, 10, 50, 9], alpha=0.05)) 局限: 1、只能检测单维度数据 2、无法精确的输出正常区间 3、它的判断机制是“逐一剔除”,所以每个异常值都要单独计算整个步骤,数据量大吃不消。
outliers = a(idx); end if~rep b=b(~isnan(b)); end return functionzcrit = zcritical(alpha,n) %ZCRIT = ZCRITICAL(ALPHA,N) % Computes the critical z value for rejecting outliers (GRUBBS TEST) tcrit = tinv(alpha/(2*n),n-2); ...
from outliers import smirnov_grubbs as grubbsprint(grubbs.test([8, 9, 10, 1, 9], alpha=0.05))print(grubbs.min_test_outliers([8, 9, 10, 1, 9], alpha=0.05))print(grubbs.max_test_outliers([8, 9, 10, 1, 9], alpha=0.05))print(grubbs.max_test_indices([8, 9, 10, 50, 9],...