%Computesthecriticalzvalueforrejectingoutliers(GRUBBSTEST) tcrit=tinv(alpha/(2*n),n-2); zcrit=(n-1)/sqrt(n)*(sqrt(tcrit^2/(n-2+tcrit^2))); 绘图程序之一: Excel=actxserver(Excel.Application); set(Excel, Visible,1); Workbooks=Excel.Workbooks;Workbook=invoke(Workbooks, ...
Grubbs' test for outliers allows checking if the maximum or minimum of a sample is an outlier. It is available in Excel using the XLSTAT software.
% Computes the critical z value for rejecting outliers (GRUBBS TEST) tcrit = tinv(alpha/(2*n),n-2); zcrit = (n-1)/sqrt(n)*(sqrt(tcrit^2/(n-2+tcrit^2))); 绘图程序之一: Excel = actxserver('Excel.Application'); set(Excel,'Visible', 1); ...
Look up the two-tailed P value for the student t distribution with the calculated value of T and N-2 degrees of freedom. Using Excel, the formula is =TDIST(T,DF,2) (the '2' is for a two-tailed P value). But note that this P value is not the P value of the Grubbs test. Fo...
Under the condition that the two tests have same probability of making error of the first kind (seeing true the as the false),the probability for t test to make error of the second kind(seeing the false as the true),is lower,namely t test excelsGrubbs testin inspection function. ...
Tutorial on how to identify outliers using Grubbs' test and its extensions (i.e. the ESD test) in Excel. Software and examples.
A generalized Grubbs-Beck test statistic for detecting multiple potentially influential low outliers in flood series The Grubbs-Beck test is recommended by the federal guidelines for detection of low outliers in flood flow frequency computation in the United States. This ... TA Cohn,JF England,CE ...
The data of bitterness evaluation inabove tests (oral taste test as bitterness value, electronictongue test as response value of sensors)were used as the datasource. Five researchers were selected and adoptedtable-by-table elimination method based on Grubbs rule(method one),Excel software ...
"John reported to me as a regional safety manager at National Linen Service where he was a highly reliable team member who in addition to his technical expertise exhibited initiative, interdependence, loyalty, and excelled at every challenge. He has since established his own consulting practice whe...