grub-mkconfig not found 文心快码BaiduComate 针对你提出的“grub-mkconfig not found”问题,我将按照给出的提示逐一解答: 1. 确认系统环境 首先,需要确认你的系统环境,因为grub-mkconfig是GRUB(GRand Unified Bootloader)的一个工具,主要用于生成GRUB的配置文件。这个工具通常存在于基于Linux的系统中,特别是使用GRUB...
I need to update the /etc/default/grub file in marinerOS but it seems it is missing. There is an open issue regarding that as well #2237 I also tried update-grub and grub-mkconfig commands but they are also not found. sudo: update-grub: ...
The error is very self explanatory: /etc/grub.d/proxifiedScripts/linux: line 200: version_find_latest: command not found: on line 200 there is a call to version_find_latest which does not exist anywhere. A very simple fix is to just replace that line with linux=`echo $list | tr ' ...
arch Linux not found device 错误解决 使用Archlinux LiveCDmount /dev.sda1 /mnt (有boot分区的挂boot)Running mkinitcpio -p linuxRunninggrub-mkconfig-o /boot/grub/grub.cfg linux JAVA 转载 mob6047570233c4 2016-01-05 20:56:00 236阅读 2
The syntax of the grub2-mkconfig command is: # grub2-mkconfig [-o {file name}] If you encounter the below error while running the grub2-mkconfig: grub2-mkconfig: command not found You may install the below package: # dnf install grub2-tools-1 ...
Only used for GRUB2, grub-mkconfig will generate GRUB2 configuration files from the user-editable files located in the /etc directory structure. This command converts data from the /etc/default/grub file and the files in the /etc/grub.d directory into th
NOTE:On some Linux distributions such as CentOS 7 or RHEL 7, the GRUB 2 configuration file can be found at/boot/grub2/grub.cfg. If it is the case for you, then make sure you adjust the path before you run thegrub2-mkconfigorgrub-mkconfigcommand in the article below. ...
This also makes a minor update to ensure that UUID partition labels stay disabled when no initrd image is found, even if early images are present. This is a continuation of a previous patch published by Christian Hesse in 2016: