针对您遇到的 update-grub: command not found 错误,这里有几个步骤可以帮助您解决问题。以下是根据您提供的提示进行的分析和建议: 1. 确认用户环境 首先,确认您是在使用支持GRUB的Linux发行版上操作。GRUB(GRand Unified Bootloader)是Linux系统中常用的启动加载程序,但并非所有Linux发行版都默认使用GRUB。 2. 检查...
grub-install: command not found grub-install: käsku ei ole grub-install: không tìm thấy lệnh grub-install: komanda nerasta grub-install: Kommando nicht gefunden. grub-install: kommandot finns inte grub-install: komut yok grub-install: nie znaleziono polecenia grub-install: níor ...
Program *grub* is present in package *grub*, which is installed on your system.Absolute path to *grub* is */usr/sbin/grub*, so running it may require superuser privileges (eg. root).楼上+1 yxmline ---x--- 8 sudo grub-mkconfigsudo grub-installsudo update-grub登录...
按F5跳过检索,建议开机后用百度卫士全面体检电脑 这个是硬盘读取问题,正常的,有时候电脑硬盘会出现
就是昨天,我写的文章里还在用sudo upgrade-grub修复问题,今天早上,发现此命令不起作用了,提示:sudo: upgrade-grub: command not found 尝试重新安装grub;提示我安装下面的一种: grub2-common grub-pc grub-…
sudo: update-grub: command not found sudo: grub2-mkconfig: command not found There is /boot/grub2/grub.cfg file present in the OS though so not sure if it's the issue with grub package or something else. I am using ISO_2.0 from the repository dl link.https://aka.ms/mariner-2.0-...
Section:admin Install GRUB to a device. More information: <https://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub/html_node/Installing-GRUB-using-grub_002dinstall.html>. Install GRUB on a BIOS system: grub-install --target=i386-pc path/to/device ...
如果执行这些指令时有「档案未找到(file not found)」或类似的错误讯息,确认您使用正确的X,Y值。ls指令能协助决定正确的值。一旦确认了X,Y值,执行以下指令: set prefix=(hdX,Y)/boot/grub 1*.set root=(hdX,Y) 输入来自ls指令正确的X,Y值并按ENTER。记住GRUB 2将第一个装置算为0,第一个分割区为1。
sudo gedit/etc/default/grub gedit后面要有个空格。应该是下面这样吧 sudo gedit /etc/default/grub
Launch WoeUSB by runningwoeusbgui Do select Windows ISO file Select Install Current Behavior WoeUSB errors with message "Installation Failed! Error: grub-install or grub2-install command not found!" Info of My Environment WoeUSB Version Lastest usingsudo apt install git p7zip-full python3-pip pyth...